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No. Names, titles, slogans, and common words/phrases do not qualify for copyright protection. You may be able to register your "catch" phrase as a trademark however.

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What is a catch pharse?

A catch phrase is usually an advertising logo or a phrase that will make a product or business stand out to the consumer. An example would be: " The Real Thing" When mentioned you would immediately think of Coke or CoCa Cola product.

Why do the words ran to catch the bus not make a sentence?

The phrase "ran to catch the bus" contains no subject.Examples of complete sentences:He ran to catch the bus.Mrs. Jones ran to catch the bus.The kids ran to catch the bus.All sentences need:a subject (this is a person place or thing that does the actiona verb (an action)The original phrase does not say who or what did the running.

When was Burgo's Catch Phrase created?

Burgo's Catch Phrase was created in 1997.

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Burgo's Catch Phrase ended in 2003.

What is Daphne's catch phrase?

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What is the best catch phrase in the world?

the best catch phrase in the world is whats poppinYou have your own catch phrase, don't ask other people what it should be.

What is the duration of Burgo's Catch Phrase?

The duration of Burgo's Catch Phrase is 1800.0 seconds.

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Is the phrase to have a catch or to play catch in regards to throwing a ball around?

Either phrase would be correct, but "playing catch" is probably more common.

Does Nikola Tesla have a catch phrase?

He was a straight forward person and never had any need to use a catch phrase.

Where the phrase Catch-22 came from?

Joseph Heller wrote the book called Catch-22 where he coined the phrase.

What type of phrase is sold at the farm store?

catch phrase