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You are asking about "adverse possession". In Pennsylvania, merely "taking care of property next to your property for over 10 years" does not allow you to make any claim for that property.

In Pennsylvania, adverse possession "MUST be open, notorious and hostile for a period not less than 21 years." This means when a person puts up a fence around that property, maintains it as though it were his/hers - cutting the grass, shoveling the snow, [paying the taxes - which may or may not apply] etc., that person is entitled to file for possession of that property through adverse possession for that property.

The 21 years must be continuous: each and every day something must be done to that property. When there is even one day missed doing something to that property, the 21 years begins over again, from the very beginning - from Day 1.

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Q: If you take care of property next to your property for over ten years do you have any claim on it?
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