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To my understanding you should not have to, but you may want to go onto the VA website and check the state by state laws that apply to disabled vets. This also changes if you are more than 30%. The website link for this via my award letter is

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Q: If you receive back pay for va disability after bankruptcy is discharged do you have to report it to the court?
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How do you know if your bankruptcy is discharged on your credit report?

Bankruptcy does not get discharged. Debts are discharged. The bankruptcy will remain on your credit report for 10 years from the date of filing. The debts that were discharged can remain for 7 years from the date of discharge, showing a zero balance and that they were discharged in bankruptcy.

Can discharged items that were included in a bankruptcy be listed as discharged in bankruptcy on your credit report?

Yes, discharged debts are generally noted as "included in bankruptcy" on a CR.

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The debt should be identified as being in bankruptcy or discharged in bankruptcy. It will remain on the list for 7 years. The bankruptcy will remain on the report for 10 years.

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No. Done is done.

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Not if the debt was discharged in the bankruptcy. If the judgment was on the credit report before the bankruptcy was filed and/or was discharged in the bankruptcy, the entry will still remain on the CR for seven years.

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It should be removed from the credit report in 2009. A bankruptcy remains on a credit report for ten years from date of discharge.

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You would only need to report the winning ticket if the bankruptcy was not discharged.

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If you have checked your report from Equifax and a discharged bankruptcy is on there, you can simply write to them with the amendments and they are obliged to correct their report.

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Yes, but only after the bankruptcy is removed from your credit report - which can take over ten years from the discharge.

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It will remain on the report for the required length of time and should be marked "included in bankruptcy."

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Yes, you can have a civil judgment removed from your credit report if it was included and discharged in a bankruptcy, even if the judgment date is later than the bankruptcy discharge date. You may need to dispute the judgment with the credit reporting agencies and provide proof of the bankruptcy discharge to have it removed from your report.

Can a bankruptcy entry on a credit report be removed when the bankruptcy was discharged in 1999 and it is listed on the credit report as 2006?

No, it cannot be removed but the information can be amended to read correctly. A bankruptcy discharge remains on a credit report 10 years from the date of discharge.