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I'm not going to answer this question because you shouldn't lie about that anyway!

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Q: If you lie about an auto insurance claim how long are you liable in the court of law for that lie?
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Related questions

How do you claim auto insurance when you wrecked your car on your property?

It would be an auto claim for the damage to the other and a homeowners claim for the damage to your property. You cannot be liable to yourself, so you cannot claim the property damage on your auto policy.

If you lie about an auto insurance claim how long are you liable legally for the lie?

If you correct the answer ASAP you can be held liable for up to 3 years in California

Why drop an auto insurance claim?

Once you submit an auto insurance claim can your provider deny it?

Tree falls on car on a rental property does homeowners insurance cover it?

No Homeowners insurance does not provide coverage for automobiles. You would have to look to your auto Insurance to file a comprehensive claim. No one is liable for an act of nature.

A tree fell onto my truck in my mothers yard and my truck was totaled. is it best to file on the homeowners or the auto insurance. i stll owe on the auto will get money to get another auto.?

You'll have to file a claim on your own Auto Insurance. Homeowners Insurance does not provide coverage for vehicles owned or non-owned and nobody is liable for an act of nature.

Who is liable if your son wrecks your auto?

If it was his fault then he is or your insurance if he is included on it.

Where would one go to process an auto accident personal injury insurance claim?

One would or could go to various places. These places include the DMV, or the auto insurance company which distributes their auto insurance to claim an auto accident personal injury insurance claim.

How much do insurance rates increase after claim?

How much increase auto insurance after claim

If you have an accident with no car insurance in Pa what happens?

If you have an auto accident and you are found to be at fault, then if taken to court you can be liable for all damages. You could potentially lose everything that you have.

What is the statute of limitations for insurance companies to collect on an auto insurance claim?

It depend on what you have package on it. My suggest is call Auto Insurance to find out what your Claim that you can get for? Good Luck.

Do you claim slashed car tires on homeowners or auto insurance?

Slashed tires coverageYou will need to file the claim under your Auto Insurance policy. Your homeowners insurance does not pay for car damage. That's what auto insurance is for.

How does one file an auto accident insurance claim with Progressive Insurance?

It is very easy for one to file an auto accident insurance claim with Progressive Insurance. One can file an auto accident insurance claim with Progressive Insurance by calling a Progressive agent by phone or filling out a form on the official Progressive webpage.