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Only if you have been "dimed" out for having contraband--drugs or stolen items--in your room and a search warrant is being executed.

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Q: If you have no arrest warrant can cops enter your room even when the door is locked?
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Can the cops come to my house and arrest me if i have a bench warrant in kansas?

Yes. What do you think a warrant is??

How late can the cops show up at your house on an arrest warrant?

If they have a war warrant for your arrest and have due cause to believe that you are in a residence then they can execute that warrant whenever they like. If you believe there is an arrest warrant out for you and you do not want to cause your family distress, go down to the station and give yourself up.

Does a store employee have the right to check a locked briefcase if you are suspected for shoplifting without proof?

The answer is no. just like the police can not search a locked briefcase or anything else without probable cause or a warrant. they can however call the cops and the cops "could" get a warrant, very unlikely.

How do you hide from the cops if you have a warrant for your arrest?

hide in a tree lad. 1 week will do lad. dont eat or drink should be fine.

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Call the cops or break the window

In a hearsay case for selling marijuana will the cops put an indictment or an arrest warrant out for the accused?

Not on hearsay alone. But they very well might use the hearsay to start a surveillance of you so that they can get direct evidence themselves. THEN, they could get a warrant for you.

What is and arrest?

It's when the cops get a search warrent and then they search you and arrest you.

What is search and arrest?

It's when the cops get a search warrent and then they search you and arrest you.

How can you see if you have a warrant in Indiana?

if the cops are coming after you

Do cops arrest people for no reason?

No. Cops do not arrest people for no reason. They arrest people for doing crime. If you be good, cops(police officers) will not arrest you.

If a warrant was issued for my arrest on a theft by check charge in Texas what is the statute of limitation on the warrant?

there isn't one. just turn yourself in. I'm a prosecutor and i always recommend lighter sentences to people who take responsibility, so do yourself a favor and make it easy on the cops and yourself.

Do the cops have to have a search warrant to enter other peoples property to bring you home in North Carolina?

i need to know what a cop needs to know in order to get a search warrent