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No, not until you are actually found guilty of a felony charge, are you actually a convicted felon.

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Q: If you have felony arrest does that mean I'm a felon?
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Im not a convicted felon how ever you are facing a felony charge everywhere ive applied treats you like a convicted felon how can I find a job if this felony arrest shows up on my background?

The best suggestion would be to research the expungement law of the state you were arrested in, to see if you are eligible to have the charge expunged from your record.

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No, I am not a felon. I'm not sure what you mean by "im on proaition with sis"

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No, if the felony is still on your record then you may not posses a firearm!

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Can you get your gun rights back if im a convicted felon?

please .

Can you fly to Brazil if im a felon?

Depends if Interpool follow you No

Im a soldier in the military and you have warrant for your arrest in California?

How the military will react depends on the type of warrant. If it is a warrant for a felony, then extradition is likely. For a lesser charge, adjucation by the military is a possibility, meaning that the charge will be handled by the military through NJP.

Can your boyfriend live with me if im on section 8 and he has a felony?

It depends on the specific regulations of your Section 8 program. Typically, felons are not automatically disqualified from living with someone on Section 8, but some programs may have restrictions based on the nature of the felony. You should contact your local housing authority to inquire about their specific policies.

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Can you have a cross bow if Im on felony probation in Georgia?


Can you buy a gun if im not a felon?

Depends what country you live in and the regulations regarding firearms.