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Most forgery crimes are felonies. If you were charged with a felony offense - regardless of whatever the length of the sentence you received - you are a convicted felon and CANNOT possess a firearm.

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Q: If you have a forgery conviction 28 years ago and the sentence was suspended to six months and only got 1 year probation can you buy a gun?
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What is the penalty for felony forgery charge while on probation already in Louisiana?

FIrst of all, your probation will, in all probability, be revoked for violating your probation, and, you will be remanded to jail to serve the remainder of that sentence behind bars. Additionally, you will be charged with the felony forgery and since the forgery charge is a felony you could be facing, upon conviction, an additional term of MORE than one year in prison.

Can you become a nurse with a felony forgery conviction in the state of Illinois?

yes but it depandes how many

What is the punishment for forgery on a tag title application in Georgia?

The punishment for forgery on a tag title application in Georgia depends on whether it is first degree or second degree forgery. First degree forgery can carry of sentence of 1-15 years, and second degree forgery can carry of sentence of 1-5 years.

How can you use the word forgery in a sentence?

The police discovered a forgery ring producing counterfeit documents.

Can forgery conviction be seal in Illinois?

You would have to petition the court with a request to seal the record, giving good reason why it should be granted. Sealing the case file will not remove the record of your arrest and conviction.

Can you get a job having a forgery charge?

A charge maybe. A conviction, maybe. Depends on the type of conviction it was. If it was reduced to a midsdeamenor and you did the time and paid the punishment, maybe. Depending on the employer and the kind of job you're trying to get.

Can you get a teaching job in nc with a common law fordgery conviction?

More information is needed. What offense are you referrkng to?Forgery is a statutory offense.

What is the penalty for check forgery in Missouri?

Forgery is a Class C felony punishable by 1 day to 1 year in the county jail, or 1 to 7 years in the penitentiary, and/or a fine of up to $5,000.00. It is a probation eligible offense.

Conviction of forgery how many years?

you get 6 months to 10 yearsAdded: There is no uniformity nationwide on this offense. It all depends on the laws of your individual state.

What is typical sentence for check forgery in North Carolina?

7 years

Check forgery in Illinois?

Check forgery is a class 3 felony in Illinois. The sentence is anywhere from two to five years prison time and a maximum fine of $25,000.

How do you use forgery in a sentence?

The man was convicted on check forgery.Forgery means deliberating duplicating the signature of another person for financial or other gains.