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Sometimes having a license in one state will allow you to work in another but you need to check with the state where you wish to work. They may have additional requirements.

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Q: If you have a contractors license in another state do you need to take the test in California to expand your business to California?
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is there any way to obtain an emergency contractor's license in the State of California?

No, there is no way to get an emergency contractors license in the state of California, per-Contractors State License Board.Right now the Contractors State License Board in California has 315,000 contractors. With a phone number you can call to see if you are legally licensed. The phone number to call and get this information and more is. 1-800-321-2752. They will also help you with further information on your contractor's license.

How do you become a general contractor in California?

You can obtain your general contractors license by going with one of the contractors schools

What is the California Contractors State License Board contact information?

California Contractors State License Board: Phone #, 800-321-CSLB. Website is located in the Related links, provided below.

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Where can one find contractors in California?

To find contractors in the the California area, one should try local newspaper advertisements. Alternatively, one could try the Contractors State License Board webpage for a list of contractors and their contact details, for example.

Do you need a contractors license to build a business building in Tennessee?

Yes, absolutely.

Do you need a California Contractors License if you already have an Oregon Contractors License?

Yes. You must be licensed in each state you do work in. California has "reciprocal" arrangements with some states that border it which allow an out-of-state license to be valid in California, but Oregon isn't one of them.

Where do you get a handyman license in Jamestown ny?

You don't, NY State and NY city do not license contractors. Only NY city has a license for special contractors doing work on city property,such as electricians.All you need is to file for a business license.

How long does it take to get a degree from a contractors school?

You need a contractors license, not a degree to open your own business. The license is crucial in this field, here is a website for more information :

What kind of licensing is needed to become commercial electric contractors?

in order to become a commercial electric contractor, you MUST have your business contracting license and you should have an electrical contractors license.

Do you need a business license to be a caregiver for the elderly in the state of California?

do you need a business license to be a caregiver for the elderly in california?

Information about California business license.?

A California business license is a document certifying you to practice business in the state of California. To know more about it, simply know what your business is and learn what needs are there in order to qualify for one.