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Palimony is a relatively new word used to describe support paid by one person who was in an unmarried relationship when the relationship ends. Therefore, it has nothing to do with marriage. It's an award set up by a court order after a civil suit brought by one of two people who were formerly living together who are unmarried. It is not dependent on common law marriage statutes. One of the first publicized "palimony" suits was brought against Liberace by a long term partner. Palimony is awarded to a successful plaintiff in a civil suit and is a difficult and expensive to prove.

Therefore, the answer to your question is yes. See also the link provided below for Common Law Marriage and Spousal Support.

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Q: If you have a common law marriage in a state that recognizes common law marriages and move to a state that does not recognize them can you be sued for palimony if you separate?
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Is palimony in Florida?

No Florida recognize or have any type of palimony laws. Palimony is a form of alimony for couples who are not married.

Which states recognize palimony?

There are over 20 states that have palimony laws. California, Nebraska, Michigan, New York , North Carolina, Hawaii and Indiana all recognize palimony.

Does palimony apply for gay relationship?

Generally only if the couple was married or in a domestic partnership, and the marriage was recognized by the state.

Can your boyfriend split your properties if you break up?

Very, very, rarely. Usually it depends on if the state recognizes a common law marriage which is a couple living together as man and wife for some number of years. Or if the girlfriend promised to take care of him financially forever and things like that there is something called palimony which is pretty difficult to get. 99% of the time the answer to your question is no.

Can you get palimony in Michigan?


Is there alimony for unmarried co-inhabitant couples in Florida?

Alimony is for spouses so if you weren't married (and Florida does not recognize common law marriage) then you're not a spouse and therefore do not qualify for alimony. You could *possibly* sue for palimony (it's like alimony, but with unmarried couples who cohabited instead of spouses), but it's rarely awarded in any state.

What is the term palimony mean legally?

palimony is a term used to describe court order financial settlement in disputes relating to what?

Are there palimony laws in North Carolina?

North Carolina does not have specific palimony laws. North Carolina courts typically require a written agreement between unmarried partners to enforce any financial support claims. Without a written contract, it can be difficult to claim financial support from an ex-partner in North Carolina.

Can you be sued for palimony in state of California?


What is the statute of limitations on filing for palimony?

The statute of limitations on filing for alimony depends on the state. Most generally there are no statute of limitations. There are some factors a judge will take into account such as time of separation and length of the marriage.

What is palimony and how is one eligible?

Palimony settlements are for unmarried partners who seek financial compensation similar to alimony at the dissolution of a marriage. There must be proof that one partner promised to provide financial support to the other through a written, oral or implied contract. Laws vary in different jurisdictions.A landmark case in the United States was Marvin v Marvin. Lee Marvin's live-in partner was awarded compensation in California in 1976 but that award was later nullified on appeal. In 1986 Liberace settled a palimony suit filed by his former live in chauffeur and secretary. Palimony is awarded to a successful plaintiff in a civil suit and is a difficult and expensive to prove.While alimony and palimony may seem to mirror each other, palimony is treated as a sort of contract. There must be evidence of an implied or express promise from one partner to support the other while receiving something in return such as intimate companionship, domestic support, maintaining the household, etc.Read Marvin v. Marvin, 557 P.2d 106 (Cal. 1976) and see subsequent decisions at related links below.

Are you entitled to palimony after living with a man for 7 years?

Perhaps, or he might be.