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How long does the employer have to pay you after being fired

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12y ago
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13y ago

No later than the normal payday on which you would have been paid for your last day, had you not been fired.

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13y ago

Not at all. No holiday pay is required by law. It is a gift if employers offer it.

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11y ago

I was terminated on the 31st. of August . Received my last check on last Friday the 7th. which was the scheduled payday. You should get your check on your regular payday . Hope this helps

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six months

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Q: If you get fired in Texas how long does your employer have to give you your last check?
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When does your employer have to give you your final check in Arizona?

If employee is fired: within three working days or next payday, whichever is sooner.If employee quits: next payday. (Ariz. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 23-353.)

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Laws vary from state to state but an employer is typically required to issue a final paycheck on the next regularly scheduled payday. Some states give you less time than that. You have no reason or right to "hold" an employee's check.

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This is a right to work state. Your employer can fire you at any time. If you are fired after 3 months, you can probably collect unemployment. (There could be an exception if you lied on your job application and there are exceptions for other reasons.) Other states have different laws. Other nations have different laws. You will probably need to give more information on your location such as in Montana, etc.

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Yes. But if-when you apply for unemployment, eventually (may take months), the employer will likely contest the benefits and ultimately have to explain him-herself.

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Check the laws, but most places, especially corperations, are wary of law suites, and will instruct supervisors and managers that the only thing they can really say is if you quit or were fired, and if you're eligible for rehire.

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YES. The state has a legal right/requirement to get correct and factual information about your employment history, to determine if you are entitled to benefits , or not. Another answer: Yes. When you file for unemployment, you are stating your position as to why you are eligible. The employer gives their version and the state has to separate the facts and determine who is right.

Can your former employer say you were fired?

Legally no, the worse thing a previous employer can say is "I have no comment on that person"It is a common fallacy that a previous employer cannot divulge that the employee was fired. It is not illegal for the previous employer to state the employee was fired and in most cases the reason for the firing, as long as it is a true statement. What a previous employer cannot do is make such accusations as the employee was fired for theft or other criminal act unless that employee has been charged and found guilty of the offense.Addition:You will have to check the laws in your state, but in general there is no law against an employer giving information about you including that you were fired. In general this is a bad practice since it opens an employer up to a lawsuit for defamation if the employer gave out false information that damaged you, i.e. prevented you from getting a job. Also, some information is considered defamatory per se such as accusing you of a crime. But truth is also always a defense to any defamation lawsuit.Yes.Most employers will not do this to avoid defamation of character suits something that may be interpreted differently by another party or by stating something that may not be true.A vast majority of employers will give dates of employment and position held even with your signed release.

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no and just give it back to them

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An employer can refuse to give a reference for any reason.

If an employer terminates you after you give a 2 week notice does he have pay you for the 2 weeks in Minnesota?

Minnesota is an at will employer state so it means an employer can terminate an employee at any time for any reason. If a person gives their 2 week notice and they are then fired they may be able to collect unemployment.