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The interest earned on your savings bonds is subject to federal income tax, which can be deferred until redemption, final maturity, or other taxable disposition, whichever occurs first. Savings bonds are subject to estate, inheritance, gift, or other excise taxes, whether federal or state. (Basically, that will be the difference between your purcahse price and the redemption amount. You will receive a 1099-INT for this).

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Q: If you cashed in Series E bonds do you pay tax on the total matured value or just the interest?
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Will a Series EE savings Bond pay interest beyond its maturity date?

Upon maturity the Series EE savings bond stops paying interest which brings up an interesting option for holders of matured savings bonds. Since the banks are paying close to zero on savings there is really no financial penalty for holding the Series EE bonds past the maturity date. In addition, federal tax on the interest earned on the savings bonds are not due until the bonds are actually cashed in which gives the holder the flexibility of shifting income to a particular year. For someone nearing retirement and holding Series EE bonds which have matured it would probably make sense to hold off on cashing in the bonds until retirement when the bond holder would probably have lower income and thus a lower tax rate.

What is a patriot bond?

Patriot Bonds are Series EE savings bonds, which are specially inscribed with the words "Patriot Bond." The Patriot Bond series will begin December 11, 2001. Bonds increase in value every month, and interest is compounded semiannually. You can cash your bond after six months. Bonds cashed before they are five years old are subject to a 3-month interest penalty.

How long did Armed Forces Leave Bonds earn interest?

Five years. Armed Forces Leave Bonds matured five years after the date of issue and ceased earning interest at that time. While they initially had to be held to maturity, the law was changed in 1947 to allow them to be cashed prior to maturity. There is a collector market for these items. There may be greater collector value than redemption value.

What rates do US Saving Bonds offer?

The current interest rates of US Saving Bonds are 0.2 percent for Series EE Bonds. Series I Bonds have interest rate of 1.18 percent. Series HH Bonds have interest rate of 1.5 percent.

Is the estate responsible for taxes on accrued interest for savings bonds once they are cashed in by heirs?

Once it has been distributed, no.

What are the 2 types of savings bonds?

The two types of savings bonds are Series EE and Series I. Series EE bonds are purchased at face value and accrue interest over time, while Series I bonds earn interest based on a combination of a fixed rate and an inflation rate.

If Jim bought 8000 dollars worth of Canada Savings Bonds and cashed in 12000 dollars 5 years later what was the interest rate paid on these bonds?

According to my calculations the answer is 8.137%.

How much is a series E 1943 War bond worth today?

The value of a Series E 1943 War bond today would depend on several factors, including its denomination, interest rate, and whether it has matured. Generally, Series E War bonds had a face value of $25, $50, $100, or $1,000. They were designed to mature after 10 years but could continue earning interest for up to 40 years.

What are cashed World War 2 war bonds worth?

Adjusted for inflation, $1 of bonds then is worth $11 now.

Is there a Canadian investing option similar to the United States' I bonds?

I bonds have an interest rate that adjusts with the inflation rate. This means you won't lose out over time because your buck was worth more (spent per dollar) when the bond was purchased than it is when it's cashed out. You can find out about Canadian savings bonds from the government of Canada at It says that bonds are available in compound interest which, I am unsure, but I take to believe is similar to I bonds.

What is the deferred interest listed on hh bonds?

The deferred interest on HH bonds refers to the interest that accumulates annually on the bond but isn't paid out to the bondholder until the bond is redeemed or reaches final maturity. This accumulated interest is considered to be tax-deferred as it is not paid out until later, typically when the bond is cashed in.

Can 1945 war bonds still be cashed?

US war bonds were registered securities and could only be cashed by the registered holder (the person whose name is on the bond) or their heirs if the registered owner is dead.