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You can refinance the loan in your name only which will take her off the loan, she would then quit claim the house to you, which will take her off the property completely.

No she cannot. Separated or not, she co-signed on a loan... it is not even a question of community debt here since she actually signed.

This is not a simple question. First of all there is a difference between co-signer and co-borrower. Then it depends on the terms of the contractual agreement, and the real estate laws of your state of residency. There are options, such as quit claims, etc. It would be beneficial to consult with an attorney who is familiar with this type of transaction. You can usually get a consultation for free or for a small fee.

A formal assumption of the loan by the husband will release the wife from liability on the loan. A quitclaim deed will only remove her from title to the property and not from liability.

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Q: If you are separated and your wife cosigned on a home for you then you get a divorce a few months later is it possible for her to get off the loan?
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