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yes No...not by default -you might have been married 10 years, but spent 9 of those years overseas, living away from your spouse working a $400,000 per annum job, while your spouse taught grade school for $34,000 per year and kept the kids. Do you think you'd get awarded 50% of a school teacher's pension in this case? Slim chance! ..Such is a very often misconception when dealing with the military especially. People think that just because you've been married 10 years that a spouse (usually the wife) *automatically* gets 50% of the man's retirement. This is furthest from the truth. What is true is that once married 10 years, the spouse (usually the wife) qualifies to have her court ordered portion of the retirement check (if anything) sent directly to HER... verses relying on her former husband to give up her share monthly as ordered by the court. You can be married 20 years, and the court award you nothing out of your spouse's retirement. It totally depends on the contributing factors of the divorce, details of the marriage, etc. You can be married 15 years and the court award you only 5% of your spouse's retirement. *Remember... just because you're "eligible" for something, doesn't meant that you'll get it awarded to you automatically in court.

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11y ago
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10y ago
Pension BenefitsThe spouse is entitled to 1/2 the pension up until the time of the divorce. After that it's up to the judge.

More Information: Social Security Benefits

A couple must be married for at least 10 years before a spouse is eligible to receive any portion of the other spouse's Social Security benefits. What percentage, if any, of private pension benefits an ex-spouse might be entitled to would depend upon the laws of the state in which the couple live.

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15y ago

The answer to this question may vary from state to state, but typically, in order for a retirement to be divided equally between two divorcing spouses, the entirety of the pension would need to be accumulated during the marriage. This follows something called the "time rule", which basically states that an interest in a pension is calculated by taking the number of months of contribution to the retirement and dividing that number by the number of months married DURING contribution to the retirement. This gets you to the marital interest in the retirement. Then you would divide the number by two (for each of the two spouses) and that is the non-retirement-earning spouse's interest in the retirement-earning spouse's retirement.

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11y ago

in the philippine setting a married woman is entitled to her husband pension after they got married.

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12y ago

If you're in the US, generally you're entitled to half of the pension that accrued during the marriage.

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14y ago

NO.. divorced means you cut all ties with your spouse ...

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Q: If you've been married for seven years are you entitled to half of your spouse's pension benefits?
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Is your husband entitled to some of your pension?

Both parties' pension and retirement accounts are considered assets that are divided in the divorce agreement or trial, much like a bank account or piece of physical property. If you are awarded a portion of your husband's pension, you are entitled to it. If you are not awarded any part of it, you are not entitled to it.

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It depends on the pension plan. Some plans may allow spousal benefits for non-contributing spouses, but eligibility criteria vary. It's best to check with the pension provider or a financial advisor for specific details on your wife's pension plan and any potential benefits for you.

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No, you do not have to be retiring in order to receive a widow's pension. Widow's pensions are typically available to surviving spouses of deceased individuals who were eligible for a pension or Social Security benefits.

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The length of time you need to be married to receive your spouse's pension depends on the specific pension plan's rules, which can vary. In some plans, you may be required to be married for at least one year, while others may have longer duration requirements, such as five or ten years. It's important to review the terms of your spouse's pension plan to understand the specific requirements for eligibility.

How many years do a person have to be married to get their spouses social security benefits?

10 yrs What if they have been astranged for that long

Can you get unemployment if you are receiving you late spouses pension?

Yes you can file

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They now do. In January 2013, Boeing announced that they will now treat same-sex spouses equal to opposite-sex spouses for the purpose of survival pension benefits in states where same-sex marriage is legal, including Washington state, where they have extensive operations. They also stated that they will do so throughout the United States, even in states that ban same-sex marriage, if the United States Supreme Court strikes down the Defense of Marriage Act ("DOMA") that currently prohibits federal recognition of same-sex marriages in the United States.

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The contributor has to designate the beneficiaries of the 401k.

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Ex-servicemen's widows may be eligible for benefits such as pensions, healthcare services, educational assistance for their children, and housing assistance. These benefits aim to provide financial and emotional support to widows who have lost their spouses who were in the military.

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Yes, if you are eligible for Social Security benefits, you will still receive your benefits. According to the Social Security Administration, the person incarcerated will not receive monthly Social Security benefits, but benefits to their spouse or children will continue as long as those dependents remain eligible.

In Canada how does an exwife claim her exhusbands Canadian pension?

Former spouses have no right to their former spouse's pension. Claiming such would be fraud.Added: If you are referring to a Canadian GOVERNMENT pension, you may wish to contact the agency for which he worked.It may not be the same - but in the US, if an ex-wife qualifies she can receive a percentage of her ex-husbands pension equal to the numbers of years they were married while he worked for the government. You should REALLY check this possibility with an attorney skilled in that area of law practice.

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