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If there is no cash in the estate, other personal property OR real property, the estate is said to be insolvent and the creditors are out of luck. However, the sole debts of the decedent must be paid from any property, real or personal, before that property can be distributed to the heirs.

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Q: If there is no money in the estate of deceased family member who is responsible for the credit card debt of the deceased?
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Who is responsible for credit card debt of deceased family member is there is no estate or money?


What is the law in Florida regarding credit cards after death of the card holder?

In Florida, the executor or personal representative of the deceased's estate is responsible for notifying credit card companies of the cardholder's death. The estate is generally responsible for paying off any outstanding credit card debt using the deceased person's assets. Family members are not typically personally liable for the deceased person's credit card debt.

Is a surviving family out of state responsible for medical expenses?

No, but the estate the deceased left may be responsible for these expenses.

If there is no estate of deceased family member who is responsible for debt?

Generally, the estate is responsible for paying the debts of the decedent when the debts are in the sole name of the decedent. If there are no assets then the creditors are out of luck.

Who is responsible for a debt if the credit card company of the deceased turns the unpaid balance to the collection agency for the family to pay but there is no spouse or children?

If there is no inheirator of the deceased's estate no one is responsible. However if you have inheireted the decease estate and accepted that then you also have to accept the debt. Payment of debt should come from the estate of the deceased. If the estate of the deceased is without sufficient resources to pay the debts and the deceased does not have joint obligation with anyone, the total of debt should be added together and the estate should be divided equally among the debts. If anything is left after paying all debts of the deceased, the remaining resources can be divided among suvivors or beneficiaries.

If a card holder is deceased but a family member had an additional card and charged over 5000 dollars since the death and is now recently deceased who is responsible for the fraud and debt?

Yes, it IS fraud, and the estate should NOT pay the debt, instead the trustee should turn in the criminal to the credit card company and point out that the estate of the deceased is not responsible for any debt incured after the death date. This would be fraud. I am sorry for your loss, and all of the trouble that you and your family are going through now. God Bless:)

What are the estate laws in California concerning credit card debt?

In California, credit card debt does not automatically pass to a deceased person's heirs. The deceased person's estate is responsible for paying off any debts, including credit card debt. If the estate does not have enough assets to cover the debt, creditors typically cannot go after the deceased person's family members. It is advisable to consult with a legal professional for specific advice on handling credit card debt in an estate in California.

Who is responsible in VA for paying bills such as electric and credit cards of a deceased grandmother if she owned property an house but there is no will only one family member that wants the property?

The executor of the estate is responsible for insuring that the value of the estate is maintained. This is the purpose for setting up an estate. If there are no assets other then the house, it may have to be sold to pay her debts.

If a credit card holder has a judgment and dies who is responsible?

No one. The person left is not responsible for the debt. The credit cards want people to think that the family owes for the deceased debt, but they don't.

Who pays the bills of a deceased family member?

Bills are paid from the estate of the deceased.

What should the family do about the credit card debt of their deceased brother?

In Canadian Law if your brother left a Will then whatever he has in his Estate will be Probated and ALL creditors will be paid off first and the residue of that Estate will go to any heirs in that Will. If you brother left no Will (minor or in their 20s - 30s) then you are still not responsible for his credit card debt, but if he has a wife then yes, she could well be expected to pay for this debt. * In the US all debts are included in the deceased estate and are handled according to the probate laws of the state in which the person was a resident at the time of his or her death. Surviving family members are not responsible for any debts of a deceased person unless they are a joint account holder or have accepted the responsibility through a written (not verbal) agreement, such as medical bills, funeral expenses, and so forth. The exception in some instances is a surviving spouse when the couple resided in a community property state. Likewise, family members are not legally obligated to communicate with creditors of the deceased unless they choose to do so or are the administrator of the estate.

If Your mom passes away a week after giving you a cc check for 17000 are you responsible for repaying this debt to the credit card company?

The estate of the deceased will be ordered to pay before any funds are disbursed to the family. IF the estate cannot cover the entire amount owed, then other state laws may apply.