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report it to the police and to the local child welfare office.

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Q: If the residential parent doesnt have their 13 year old daughter enrolled in school what can the other parent do?
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How are daughter cells different from parent cell?

because daughter cell goes to partys and parent doesnt

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Interrogitory about residential parent?

What if a residential parent had to go to jail and the child is with a friend. Can the other joint go get her.

How do you use enrolled in a proper sentence?

The parent enrolled her son in a preschool program. Ten new students have enrolled in our school this year.

What can a noncustodial parent in Texas do when their child is not enrolled in school?

This is a problem area. The residential parent could claim to be home schooling, but required proof of the can be problematic. I experienced this problem as regards my children, who lived in Austin, in the 80s. I would recommend contacting TFER on this. See link below.

How are daughter and parent cells alike?

Daughter and parent cells are alike in that they both contain genetic material and are part of the same cell division process. Daughter cells are formed from the division of parent cells and generally inherit similar characteristics from the parent cell.

How do the daughter cells compare to parent cells?

Daughter cells are identical to the parent cell.

If your child lives with you but you share legal custody with the other parent are you the custodial parent?

Primary residential

What is a parent's female child?

If a parent has a female child, that would be the parent's daughter.

Why must daughter cells be identical to the parent cell?

In Mitosis it is important that the daughter cells be identical to the parent cell because if it isn't a mutation will occur. For instance, if a skin cell undergoes mitosis and doesn't produce an exact copy for the daughter cell, the mutated daughter cell could now give rise to skin cancer.

In what way or ways are daughter cells and parent cells the same?

Daughter cells and parent cells are similar in terms of having the same genetic material or DNA. Additionally, they both undergo the process of cell division involving stages like DNA replication and mitosis.

What is the difference in DNA between parent cells and daughter cells in meiosis?

Parent cells are diploids, and daughter cells are haploids. Therefore, the daughter cells have half of the the number of chromosomes as the parent cells. (chromosomes are DNA)