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If both the President and Vice-President are removed from office, the job passes to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, followed by the President pro tempore, Secretary of State, Secretary of the Treasury, Secretary of Defense, and the Attorney General.

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The president would remain in office and nominate a new vice-president in this case.

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Speaker of House of Representatives.

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Q: If the president and vice president are both killed who takes over office?
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Was president Johnson killed in office?

President Lyndon Baines Johnson died of a massive heart attack on January 22, 1973.

Who takes place of the president if the president die?

The Vice President is sworn in. If both are killed, the Speaker of the House of Representatives is the next in line of succession.

Who is president if both president and vice president leave office?

If the President can not complete his term, the vice-president becomes President. If the vice-president can not complete his term, the president nominates a new vice-president who must be confirmed by both houses of Congress in order to take office. If two were both suddenly killed, the Speaker of the House would become President.

Who would become president in the case of the president and the vice president both being killed at the same time?

If both of them are killed at the same time then speaker of the house becomes president

Who is the successor to the Vice President?

If the Vice President of the United States takes over the office of President, then, the new President nominates someone to take his old job. The nominee must be approved by majority vote in both houses of Congress.

How did John Tyler and Andrew Johnson become president?

Both were vice-presidents who became president when the elected president died in office.

If the pres is assassinated and the present vice pres becomes pres who becomes the new vice pres?

According to Amendment XXV to the U.S. Constitution (ratified February 10, 1967), if the President is removed from office, or if the President dies or resigns, the Vice President becomes President. Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, the President nominates a Vice President who takes office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress.

How large a vote does it take to decide that the president is incapable of fulfilling his office?

If the President claims he is able, it takes 2/3 of both houses of Congress to keep him out of office. This rule is in the 25th amendment to the Constitution. If the President is unconscious,or does not object, the VP and 8 cabinet members can declare him temporarily incapable.

Who takes the presidency if the president and vice president die?

According to the Presidential Succession Act of 1947, and the 25th Amendment to the Constitution; if both the President and Vice President die, resign, or otherwise leave office, the Speaker of the House of Representatives becomes President.That office is currently held by Nancy Pelosi.

Does the speaker of the house become vice president if the president dies?

If the President dies in office and the Vice President takes over the office of the President, the Speaker of the House does not automatically become the Vice President. Under the 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, the new Vice President is nominated by the President. The new Vice President then takes office upon confirmation from both houses of Congress by a majority vote.

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They are both part of the Office of Managment and Budget.

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both provide advice to the president regarding policy decisions