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Absolutely not. They can only confiscate the types of items outlined in the search warrant, as long as nothing else criminally possessed was found while searching the house.

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Q: If the police obtain a search warrant to seach a home and they do not find anything pertaining to the warrant when they search the home can they still seize items.?
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Police may obtain a search warrant if they can prove they have?

probable cause

Is it legal to obtain a search warrant of a friends house he does not live at for drugs?

First, you cannot obtain a search warrant. Police and prosecutors can, but only if they have enough evidence that there has been a crime, and that searching might solve it. Search warrants must be issued by judges.

What does law enforcement need to obtain a search warrant?

They must provide a judge with probable cause to do a search.

If probable cause is raised by false statement can one be convicted?

Yes, you can be convicted.The issue there is whether the police were acting on the statement in good faith or if they knew the statement to be false. If the police were not acting in good faith (eg suborning perjury to obtain the statement), or failed to obtain a warrant at all, any evidence obtained from that search may be deemed to be inadmissible. But generally one person's statement would not be enough for the police to obtain a warrant but also some sort of actual evidence.

Can the cops get a search warrant for a juvenile runaway?

A search warrant is not possible to obtain in most runaway cases. Unless there is reason to believe that the juvenile is in grave danger, police may not enter a residence without the owner's permission. Contact your local police department for further information.

Even though there is a search warrant can police search a home in South Dakota if no one's been in the home to receive the warrant?

Yes. The police can search any items if they have a warrant. It does not matter that no one is there to receive the warrant. The police only have to leave a copy of the warrant at the residence.

Can a police officer search your cellphone?

With the proper warrant or probable cause, a cell phone could certainly be searched. More commonly the police would obtain necessary records from the cellular service provider.

Can you get a marriage license with an Arrest warrant in California?

The only way to get rid of an arrest warrant is to turn yourself in and face your punishment. Anything else would mean you are evading police and the punishment will be worse.

Do a police need a warrant before doing a police report?


What can the police legally do if they receive a tip off about a drug dealer that is selling from his home and is possibly growing and owns an unregistered firearm and he already has a police record?

If the informant has first hand information and is willing to be named in a search warrant affidavit, then it is likely that the police can get a search warrant. If the informant is not willing to be named then the police may decide that the information is worth assigning to officers who will try to gather more information and obtain a warrant. If the subject is on probation or parole then the parole or probation board may become involved.

Can police issue a new search warrant while exacuting a search warrant?

Ive heard of police with a search warrant finding something non-related to the search warrant, and then issuing a new search warrant on the spot regarding the new issue.

In Canada what is the difference between a search warrant and a general warrant?

A search warrant allows police to search for property and seize specific property, at a specific time, for a specific reason; In Canada a "General Warrant" allows the police to use a particular technique or method, (that without Judicial authority would be considered a breach of the persons rights) to obtain information relating to an offense. An example of a General Warrant would be: Authorization for the police to conduct a perimeter search of a property to look for signs of say a marijuana grow operation (condensation, smell etc) These observations can not be physically seized (They are observations and not property) and therefore a search warrant is not applicable.