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Yes you can if you can prove the parent if unfit and can not raise the child in a stable environment.

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Q: If the child is under eighteen can the parent get custody of the grandchild?
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How do grandparents get custody of their grandchild if the parent disagrees and the parent put the child out and the child doesn't want to go back and live with the parent?

For the grandparents to get the custody over the parent, they have to go through a court case and prove to their case to have custody.

Is a paternal grandmother with permanent custody of her grandchild a parent or are they a family?

A paternal grandmother with permanent custody of her grandchild is considered a family member rather than a parent. While she may have assumed the role of a parent by providing care and custody, her legal status is that of a grandparent.

May you have custody of your grandchild if you report your child as an unfit parent?

yea u can it all depends if you can prove it to the social workers

What is domiciliary custody?

Domiciliary custody refers to the parent who has physical custody. It's the parent with whom the child lives.Domiciliary custody refers to the parent who has physical custody. It's the parent with whom the child lives.Domiciliary custody refers to the parent who has physical custody. It's the parent with whom the child lives.Domiciliary custody refers to the parent who has physical custody. It's the parent with whom the child lives.

Should a father ask for child support first?

The parent who will have physical custody is the parent who can request child support.The parent who will have physical custody is the parent who can request child support.The parent who will have physical custody is the parent who can request child support.The parent who will have physical custody is the parent who can request child support.

Can grandparents get medical insurance for a grandchild?

That would depend on both the restrictions of the insurer and whether or not the parent or person who has legal custody of the child is willing to consent to it or not.

How does joint custody affect child support in Nebraska?

The parent with physical custody receives child support from the other parent.The parent with physical custody receives child support from the other parent.The parent with physical custody receives child support from the other parent.The parent with physical custody receives child support from the other parent.

Can a parent have custody of a child with out work?

Yes, a parent who is unemployed can have custody.

What state do you file for temporary custody of your grandchild if your daughter agrees?

The state the child is in.

What rights does the non custodial parent with joint custody have if refusing to give child back?

Generally, only under circumstances in which there is clear evidence that the child is in an unsafe environment, and has been reported as such. And in that case the parent must file for an emergency order with the court of jurisdiction. It will be followed up by a full hearing within a couple of weeks.

What if parent did't exist ex if the parent like mother or father sent their child before the parent mother was pregnant with them and never was pregnant and was left alone with her own grandchild?

yup that can happen by time travle. if the female was left alone with her own grandchild & never was pregnant with her child & the futune child become a parent & sent their child in the past before the parent mother was pregnant & the parent give their child to their mother before she become pregnant with them & than the parent mother never become pregnant with them & she was left alone with her non-exist child their child witch it is her grandchild & she become a grandmother with out giving birth to her child that did't exist at that time before she did't get pregnant & die never give birth to non-exist child who the grandchild parent never exist in time & it was just grandchild & the grandmother.

Do i have the rights to change my child's surname?

If you have full custody, and the child is under eighteen, then yes.