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As a GENERAL rule... It depends on where the vehicle pulling out of the side road is hit. If it is in the front half of the vehicle, it is obvious to the police and judge that that car pulled out in front of the oncoming car and did not give that car time to react by slowing down. If it was struck in the rear part of the vehicle the oncoming car should have had enough time to react and therefore it would normally be his/her fault.

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Q: If the car is Hit on right side from pulling out of side road who fault is it?
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Both parties are at fault for not being insured - in most countries this is a criminal offense, the law requires that drivers are covered by third party insurance.Usually a car pulling out of a side road should normally give way to on coming traffic which has the right of way - thus car A is at fault.

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It's not your fault. It was the person who was speeding.ANOTHER VIEW: Sorry, but it is your fault. The person pulling into traffic is responsible for doing so cautiously and safely. Your contention that the other car was speeding is going to be difficult or impossible to prove, and you should be an experienced enough driver to be able to gauge the speed of oncoming traffic.

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You, unless you can come up with a better description of this accident. If you were already in the process of pulling out and the front end of your car was already in the street, then it's the other drivers responsibility to stop and allow you to fully pull onto the road, so it would not necessarily be your fault. Now, if you pulled right in front of the car as they were about to pass you, then it would be your fault since you pulled a maneuver on the road to which you caused someone else to crash. So as the first answer says, it's depends on the circumstances.

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