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* Yes they can, but then they would be breaking the laws associated with the Restraining Order. So would they get in trouble or would it just nullify the order?

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Q: If someone places a restraining order against you can they come around your home and child Even if they have the permission of the other parent?
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Related questions

Do you need a reason for a restraining order?

YES! The conditions required are that you feel your life in in jeopardy or that you are under the threat of great bodily harm. You do not go around getting temporary restraining orders because it is Tuesday and you do not like someone.

Are you allowed around your girlfriend after domestic battery?

if she has a restraining order against you ,STAY AWAY, if she doesn't she should take one right away an d you need to go for some serious counseling

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yes if they took it from you without your permission please tell a trusted adult!

Will your boyfriend get into trouble if you visite him when there is a restraining order that's says you cant have any contact with each other?

Yes. The penalties depend on where you live and the circumstances around the issuing of the restraining order.

What should you do if your ex-boyfriend seems extremely jealous that you're with someone new?

Be careful around him. I know that sounds childish, but I don't want you to get hurt. If he keeps on and you don't feel safe around him file a restraining order on him. PLEASE BE CAREFUL! Good luck and God Bless:)

Is there any way around a restraining order if you did nothing wrong?

Nope. If a judge ordered a restraining order, you must comply with its stipulations. There may be an appeals process, though. Check with your lawyer to find out if you can appeal the order.

Is there a legal statute in Illinois preventing someone who files for a restraining order from break it?

That goes without saying. The person who requests a restraining order that (for example) states that person 'A' cannot come within 500 feet of person'B' ... then person 'B' is equally restrained from attempting to get within 500 feet of person 'A.' They cannot go around harassing the other person by attempting to get near them.

If my best friend's mom wants to put a restraining order on my family to keep us away from my best friend because her mom personally doesnt like us is it definite that it will be put into effect?

Naturally, that will be up to a judge to decide. But judges don't go around handing out restraining orders to people simply because they don't like someone. If that were the case, there would be restraining orders in every school, work place, neighborhood, church, etc. There has to be some sort of evidence of harassment or threat or chance of danger.

What is an inappropriate technique for restraining a nervous horse for minor veterinary procedures?

Wrapping your arm around the horse's neck.

Evidence of sustained contact reducing prejudice and discrimination in remember the titans?

If you are around someone, you begin to learn more about them. It is difficult to be prejudiced against someone that you know and get along with.

Can 2 people get married if the court ordered a restraining orde?

The courts issued restraining orders at the request of the party who requests it. If that petitioner then turns around and WILLINGLY weds the respondant it would appear to nullify, by their own choice, the court order.

How many restraining orders are issued for domestic violence a year?

Around 2,000,000 a year is given out because of domestic violence.