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The concept of "next of kin" is used only when no other instrument exists to determine control of an estate, make medical decisions, and so on. If a power of attorney has been properly executed and is in effect, then it supersedes any next-of-kin determinations.

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Q: If parent has given power of attorney to one child but another child is legally next of kin..the next of kin has best interest in mind..who has say over actions of caring for parent?
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The fact that you hold someone's power of attorney does not make you legally responsible for their actions. You are legally responsible for your own actions, of course. If as part of a settlement for the car accident you were supposed to issue a payment from an account of theirs that you have power of attorney over and you don't, you could both be in trouble over that, but the car accident itself would not be your fault.

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Yes, the power attorney is a legally binding agreement. If the power attorney thinks that it is in the patient's best interest to be moved to another hospital, then that is usually what happens. The only other reason that would be able to be granted otherwise, is if a patient is able to still make his/her own decisions still, then they can vocalize their feelings.

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An attorney is another name for a lawyer. An attorney is someone who is legally appointed to act as an agent in legal proceedings. The name attorney comes from the Old French word atorne.

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You have a fair right for representation. At anytime you feel you are not being represented to the best of your situation you can fire your personal attorney or your PD and ask to be reassigned another attorney.

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You need to have the situation reviewed by an attorney. Your release may not be legally effective and the attorney must hear the details.You need to have the situation reviewed by an attorney. Your release may not be legally effective and the attorney must hear the details.You need to have the situation reviewed by an attorney. Your release may not be legally effective and the attorney must hear the details.You need to have the situation reviewed by an attorney. Your release may not be legally effective and the attorney must hear the details.

If you are married do you still need a power of attorney?

It does not happen automatically. However, there are limited instances where both will be held accountable for certain debts and actions.

Power of atterney?

A power of attorney is the written authorization that is given to a person so they can legally make decisions for another person. The person with the power of attorney can make decisions including legal and financial matters.

How to pull someone else's credit report?

Unless you work for an attorney or someone who can legally pull other's reports, it is illegal and not easy to pull another persons credit report. You can't legally do so.

What type of lawyer is the girl from legally blonde?

Ellie (Reese Witherspoon), from Legally Blonde and Legally Blonde 2, is an Attorney.

Do you need a lawyer to file a motion to vacate?

In the US, although usually always advisable, you are never REQUIRED to have an attorney represent you in court.That being said, if you have been represented by an attorney up to this point, if YOU - personally - wish to file the notice to vacate, there are certain actions that you must take to legally notify the court that you are discharging your attorney from representing you.

Can the person who is the executor of an estate and has power of attorney CHANGE a will?

The power of attorney cannot change the will. That is not legally allowed.

Can others legally sign documents for you?

Another person can sign legal documents for you only if you execute a Power of Attorney or if they are a court appointed fiduciary such as a guardian or conservator.