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Presuming we are talking about the United States of America, then the answer is that the House of Representatives decides the election from among the top three candidates in a special vote in which each state delegation gets a single vote. ( The senate then chooses the vice-president.)

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the house of representatives

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Q: If no candidate for the presidency wins a simple majority to the total number of electoral votes what body has the power to choose the president?
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The use of an electoral college to select a president was?

The president of the United States is elected to office by the electoral college as opposed to popular vote. Any candidate who wins the presidency has to have a majority of at least 270 electoral votes. If no candidate receives a majority, the election will need to be decided via a procedure outlined in the Twelfth Amendment of the Constitution.

If no candidate for the presidency wins a simple majority of the total number of electoral votes what body has the power to chose the president?

Senate, if I'm correct.

What margin If no candidate for the presidency wins a simple majority to the total number of electoral votes what body has the power to choose the president?

If no candidate for the presidency wins a simple majority of the total number of electoral votes, the decision is made by the U.S. House of Representatives. Each state delegation in the House gets one vote to choose the president from the three candidates with the most electoral votes.

A candidate can win the presidency with?

Answer this question… a loss in the popular vote and a majority in the electoral college.

In order to win the presidency, a candidate must receive _____ of electoral college votes?

a majority (270)

What is done if no presidential candidate receives an absolute majority of the electoral votes?

The Presidency is decided by the House of Representatives.

How is electoral college set up?

The candidate who receives a majority of electoral votes (270) wins the Presidency. The number 538 is the sum of the nation's 435 Representatives, 100 Senators, and 3electorsgiven to the District of Columbia. Every four years, voters go to the polls and select a candidate for President and Vice-President.

In 1824 who selects the president when no candidate receives a majority of electoral votes?


To become President a candidate must win the majority of?

electoral college vote

When no candidate receives a majority of electoral votes the election of the president is determined by?


To become president of the US a candidate has to receive a majority of votes from what?

The Electoral College

What margin is required to choose the president?

The winning candidate has to have a simple majority of votes from the electoral college. In other words, the candidate will only need to win by ONE electoral vote to become the president. He must receive a simple majority of the 535 votes in the electoral college.