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Legally, no, authorized users are not responsible for debt incurred. However, there are lenders/card issuers who may try to convince the consumer that paying the debt is a "moral responsibility."

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Q: If my Mom died would I have to pay her credit card bill if I am an authorized user?
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What type of credit card to become an authorized user to help raise credit score?

Having an authorized user card does not help the authorized user's credit bureau score. ie) if I had good credit and I gave someone an authorized user card, that person's purchases would be on my statement and I would be responsible for the other person's purchases. If I don't pay for the other person's purchases, it would reflect on my credit bureau negatively as not paying on time and be charged interest.

If you are a authorized user on a credit card and the primary holder is not paying the bill can the authorized user be held responsible?

No. Authorized Users are NOT liable for the debt, only the PRIMARY on the account is liable.

How long after an authorized user can you get your own credit card?

Being an authorized user no longer has an impact on your credit score like it used to. In the past, you were able to be added as an authorized user on a credit card, and all of the credit history and credit limit would be reported on your credit report as if it was your credit effectively obtaining unearned credit for the authorized individual. A few years ago the credit reporting industry changed, and no longer recognize an authorized user as credit responsible and therefore it has little to no impact on your credit score. If you would like to obtain credit from this card, contact the card issuer and request to be added as a joint user. If you are jointly responsible for the credit, it will report to the bureaus and impact your score. Approval is still required, but it is typically easier to be approved when you are already and authorized user on a card.

Can a credit card company report bad credit on an authorized user's credit report after the death of the primary card holder?

if you are an authorized user on the card then you are responsible for the card too. so yes they can

If my mother is an authorized user on my credit card and she is currently in the process of foreclosure would her foreclosure as an AU affect your credit?

No, having her listed as an authorized user will have no impact on your credit score.

Can an authorized user continue to use and pay the bill after the death of the primary account holder?

You were an authorized user of the card and should be able to use it any time. It's not a fraud for you to use the card. That is... unless you made the charges on the card while knowing that the bill would not be paid because of the primary card holder's death. That could be considered fraud.

At 17 can you get a credit card with a co signer?

Im 17 and have an Amex platinum, but this is only as an authorized user. SO the bill would still go to your parents. But in short, if your parents can get a cc, then you can become an authorized user.

If you have a credit card only in your name will it affect or show on your husbands credit report?

No, only the owner and authorized users of the credit card will be reported on the credit card company to the credit agencies. If your husband is an authorized user on the credit card then it will show up on his credit report.

What can be done if an authorized user refuses to pay their portion of the credit card bill?

The account holder is ultimately responsible for all charges on their credit card. There's a possibility that you may be able to sue the authorized user in small claims court, though.

Will adding an authorized user with bad credit to your credit card effect your credit rating?

NO. IT wILL BE NOTED AS "A" FOR AUTHORIZED USER ON THAT persons credit file. it does does not increase or decrease your credit score. It should boost theirs in you pay the bill on time. JUDE KAGABINES LEXINGTON SC

How much would it raise your credit scores if you were added as an authorized user on a credit card?

If you are an authorized user of another persons credit it has no effect on your credit at all. It will not raise nor lower your score. The credit card company simple issues you a card with your name on it and then holds the person who holds the credit with them responsible for any charges you make.

Is an authorized user responsible for payments on Bank of America credit card even though they never used the card or had that card activated?

Authorized users are not responsible for repaying cc charges. Unless they are a spouse of the account holder and live in a community property state. I work at a credit card company and an authorized user is just someone who is able to make charges on the account. The primary cardholderand/or the joint cardholder would be the one responsible for the bill. The payment history may be reported to your credit bureau though. That does happen with some companies.