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The rules will vary by state if we are talking about the US. In some cases the fact that the money is from a trust will be key to demonstrating that the property is not community property. In other cases the other party will have to have signed a document to evidence that they have no rights to the property. In some locations other factors apply. It could be best that the trust buys the property and holds it in the name of the trust. Then there is little room to argue that the property is community property. Other options exist if the trust does not have enough money to buy the property without financing. Consult a local attorney for laws in your area.

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Q: If married and bought property from trust money willthat be community property?
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If you live in a "community property" state, the house is yours.

Can child support put a lien on your house if your husband's name is not on it and he owes the child support and the house is in your name?

Only if the married couple reside in a community property state and the property was bought during the marriage.

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In the United States, your "spouse" was not legally married to you if she was still legally married to her previous husband. In order to be legally married to you she must have obtained a divorce, waited the statutory nisi period if any, and then married you legally. If she married you knowing that she was already married then she violated the law.In a community property state, that property would not be community property. You may need to seek a court order if you cannot divide the property by a mutual agreement. You should consult with an attorney who can review your situation and explain your rights and options.In the United States, your "spouse" was not legally married to you if she was still legally married to her previous husband. In order to be legally married to you she must have obtained a divorce, waited the statutory nisi period if any, and then married you legally. If she married you knowing that she was already married then she violated the law.In a community property state, that property would not be community property. You may need to seek a court order if you cannot divide the property by a mutual agreement. You should consult with an attorney who can review your situation and explain your rights and options.In the United States, your "spouse" was not legally married to you if she was still legally married to her previous husband. In order to be legally married to you she must have obtained a divorce, waited the statutory nisi period if any, and then married you legally. If she married you knowing that she was already married then she violated the law.In a community property state, that property would not be community property. You may need to seek a court order if you cannot divide the property by a mutual agreement. You should consult with an attorney who can review your situation and explain your rights and options.In the United States, your "spouse" was not legally married to you if she was still legally married to her previous husband. In order to be legally married to you she must have obtained a divorce, waited the statutory nisi period if any, and then married you legally. If she married you knowing that she was already married then she violated the law.In a community property state, that property would not be community property. You may need to seek a court order if you cannot divide the property by a mutual agreement. You should consult with an attorney who can review your situation and explain your rights and options.

If your name is not on the deed do you have a share in the property?

Yes. If you are on the deed and also signed the mortgage you are the co-owner and you have the right to the use and possession of the property. You are also responsible for paying the mortgage in full if the person you "co-signed" for stops paying it.

Can a married woman retake property that her husband bought and then gave away after they were married?

Was this property bought before or after marriage? Either way, if you are married and want to sell real estate or a car or such, both spouses have to sign their consent to the transaction. So if your husband sold something behind your back, you might have a case. If it was bought before that, there's room for argument.

After your mortgage was bought by another bank are they able to add your spouse as co-borrower without permission?

No. However, if the married couple reside in a community property state it does not matter if one or both spouses are named on a loan contract. In community property states all debts that are incurred in the marriage are equally owed by both spouses regardless of which one is the named debtor.

Can credit card companies put a lien on a house for unpaid debt if you bought your house through an owner carry?

Yes, it is irrelevant how the property was purchased. If it is titled in the judgment debtor's name a lien can be placed on the property. The exception could be if the judgment debtor is married and does not live in a community property state and the spouse is not a co-judgment debtor.

Does your live in lover of 16 years have any legal rights on a house you bought in your name alone?

Generally, no. The owner by deed is the legal owner unless the couple is legally married. Marriage may bestow rights in the property depending on state laws that provide community property rights. Otherwise, the only authority that could make a change in ownership is a court of law.Generally, no. The owner by deed is the legal owner unless the couple is legally married. Marriage may bestow rights in the property depending on state laws that provide community property rights. Otherwise, the only authority that could make a change in ownership is a court of law.Generally, no. The owner by deed is the legal owner unless the couple is legally married. Marriage may bestow rights in the property depending on state laws that provide community property rights. Otherwise, the only authority that could make a change in ownership is a court of law.Generally, no. The owner by deed is the legal owner unless the couple is legally married. Marriage may bestow rights in the property depending on state laws that provide community property rights. Otherwise, the only authority that could make a change in ownership is a court of law.

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No. If the property is in his name then he is the owner and the property can be sold only if he signs the deed.

What is communative property?

Community property is generally anything that was acquired after marriage in a community property state. This can include the house you bought, cars, furniture, artwork, collectibles and even income that was earned during the marriage. Separate property on the other hand, is generally anything that was acquired prior to the marriage. Separate property can also include items or money received as an inheritance (even after the marriage).

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Yes. Even though you weren't married at the time he does own part of the property. Probably as Tenants In Common, unless there is specific language in the deed/title indicating how the house is owned. Therefore a lien can be placed against his share of the property. A forced sale probably(depending on the title wording) would not be possible.

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A property that is bought by means of monthly payments is said to be paid by installments.