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No. Anything either party owned before the marriage is considers separate property. The only way you maybe could get a portion of the land is if it was combined with marital property (i.e. a marital home was built on the land)

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Q: If husband owned land before marriage and then gets a divorce does wife get land?
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it depends on the papers.

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West Virginia is a separate property state. A husband or wife can hold solely owned property. If the property was acquired during the marriage a judge may take the property into consideration during the distribution of marital assets pursuant to a divorce. It depends on the situation.West Virginia is a separate property state. A husband or wife can hold solely owned property. If the property was acquired during the marriage a judge may take the property into consideration during the distribution of marital assets pursuant to a divorce. It depends on the situation.West Virginia is a separate property state. A husband or wife can hold solely owned property. If the property was acquired during the marriage a judge may take the property into consideration during the distribution of marital assets pursuant to a divorce. It depends on the situation.West Virginia is a separate property state. A husband or wife can hold solely owned property. If the property was acquired during the marriage a judge may take the property into consideration during the distribution of marital assets pursuant to a divorce. It depends on the situation.

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It would go to his spouse

Can your husband sell your home from under you and your children after eight years of marriage?

Only if he owned the house before your marriage. If the house was purchased during the marriage, you should be part owner and he would not be able to sell the house without your approval.

Is North Carolina considered to be a Community Property state?

No. My husband owned a house in North Carolina before we got married, he refinanced it after we got married the deed is in my name but the loan is not. Do I still have a legal right to the house when we divorce? Once the property is deeded in your name it is considered a gift to the marriage and you now have legal rights.

What if you live in a community property state and on spouse owned property before the marriage if they divorce what are the spouses rights?

Property owned prior to marriage is not considered community property unless it was converted to community property by some action by the parties.Property owned prior to marriage is not considered community property unless it was converted to community property by some action by the parties.Property owned prior to marriage is not considered community property unless it was converted to community property by some action by the parties.Property owned prior to marriage is not considered community property unless it was converted to community property by some action by the parties.

What are the 15h century rules of marriage written by the Catholic Chruch Where can one find documentation of said texts?

The laws of marriage as written by the Catholic Church can be found in any old church document. The laws basically said that men owned women, whether it was their father or their husband. Also, divorce was not allowed.

Can a husband get part of home that is in wife's name when they divorce?

If the wife owned this home before she became your wife, it is her home, not yours. However, during the course of your marriage, if you contributed to the increase in its value by doing repairs, remodeling, paying for expenses and mortgage payments, etc. you may be entitled to a percentage of the increased value of the home during your marriage. It's up to the judge if the parties cannot reach an agreeable settlement.

Can wife take house if husband's name only one on deed?

Need a little more detail & also the rules are not the same in all States. Is this a divorce situation? How long has the property been owned? Was the property acquired before or after the marriage? Ws the property purchased or inherited? Is this a primary residence or a rental property? What State do you live in?

What does community property state mean?

The term community property state means that the community property in a marriage divided equally between the two parties when there is a divorce. This property usually does not include property owned before the marriage.