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If the property was held as joint tenants with the right of survivorship, the decedent cannot leave his share to his children by will. His interest automatically passed to his surviving spouse. If the property was owned as tenants in common then he can leave his interest to his children.

You should consult with an attorney who specializes in probate law in your area who can review the situation, review the will and inform you of your rights and options under that laws of NJ.

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Q: If husband and wife owned property as such can the husband leave his share to his children by his will in NJ or does his wife inherit his interest in the property?
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Yes. There may be a serious and costly problem depending on the laws in the state where you live. If the wife should die intestate the property would pass according to the state laws of intestacy. Her surviving spouse may only inherit a partial interest in the property and the children will get the remaining interest. If there are no children the wife's parents or siblings may inherit an interest. On the other hand, she may be able to leave it to someone else by a will if she is the sole owner. You need to speak with an attorney ASAP and have the property titled properly for a married couple in your state.

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That would depend on the tenancy recited in the deed to you and your husband. If a joint tenancy or tenancy by the entirety was created in your deed then he would become the sole owner of the property upon your death. He could then make his own will and leave the property to his own relatives when he dies. If there is no tenancy recited on the deed or it provides that you will hold the property as tenants in common then upon your death your interest in the property may be shared by your children and your husband according to the laws of intestacy in your state. Your children may receive nothing depending on the value of the estate. Alternatively, if the property is owned as tenants in common you could leave your half interest to your children in your will with a life estate to your husband. That way he could continue to live on the property and when he decided to sell or if he died your children would receive half of the proceeds of the sale of the property. You should seek the advice of an attorney to discuss your options.

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You need to check the language in the deed by which the three acquired the real estate. If the property was acquired a joint tenants with the right of survivorship then your mother-in-law's interest automatically passed to the surviving owners (you and your husband) when she died. There is no need for probate. If the property was acquired as tenants in common with your mother-in-law then her next of kin would inherit her property. If your husband and his sister are the only children, and there was no will, then they would share her interest in the property equally and her estate must be probated in order for title to pass to her heirs at law.

Do children automatically inherit their parents property?

It depends on the state that you live in and your will.

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He should take all the possession of the property he inherited. Of course if the wife did not inherit any of the property.

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I will assume that you conveyed your real property to your daughter and reserved a life estate in that property. In that case, your daughter is the owner of the property. She can leave it to someone in her will or it will pass to her heirs-at-law under the laws of intestacy in your state. Generally, if she is married with children, her husband and children will inherit the property if she has no will. You can check your state laws of intestacy at the related question link provided below. Your daughter's death will not affect your life estate. Whoever would inherit her property upon her death either by will or by intestacy would inherit it subject to your life estate.