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A properly authenticated and notarized copy could be used. There could be some issues concerning who destroyed the original and why.

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Q: If a will has been destroyed can a copy be used as a legal document?
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What is the difference between a Notarized copy of a document and a Certified copy of a document?

A notarized copy of a document is a copy of the original document that has been certified by a notary public as a true and accurate reproduction of the original. A certified copy, on the other hand, is a copy of the original document that has been certified as a true copy by an official or legal authority such as a government agency or court clerk. Both types of copies can be used for official purposes to verify the authenticity of the original document.

In Mississippi after a legal document has been signed and the client has a copy of it can any changes be made to it?

Always obtain legal advice from a licensed legal pracitioner in your state.

In Mississippi is it illegal for information to be added to a legal document after it has been signed by a client and the client has a copy of it?

This would be illegal anywhere in the world.

If I sign a legal binding document and want to request a copy of the document but am required to present a subpoena or does anyone know of a law that makes would make them present a copy?

You are entitled to a copy of any document you sign.

What is a fully-executed copy?

A fully-executed copy is a document that has been signed by all parties. The copy is the original document but copies of it can be made.

Does a copy of a notarized document have to be notarized?

Not unless it is intended to be used as a 'legal' paper in it's own right. All 'official' notary stamps and impressions must be original.Another PerspectiveIf you need to use a copy of a notarized document for some purpose it must be a copy of the actual notarized form showing the acknowledgment. For example, many entities will accept a copy of a fully executed POA (Power of Attorney) for their records. A copy of a fully executed POA may be acceptable at some facilities where it must be used. Some hospitals may accept a copy of a fully executed health proxy for their records. If you want to have a copy of a legal document for your records make sure it's a copy of the fully executed, notarized document.When multiple originals of a legal document are executed they must each bear a notary stamp. A photocopy of a POA, health proxy or any legal document made before the document was fully executed has no value.A copy of a notarized document is acceptable in courts if it is certified as a true copy of the original. It must be certified as a true copy by the keeper of the records from which it came. For example, certified copies of documents that have been recorded in the land records can be obtained at that office.

For what reasons do you need a copy of marriage license?

It's a legal document issued by legal authorities authorizing a couple to marry.

Does a notary have to keep a copy of the document that they notarize?

The notary does not keep a copy of documents they notarize. The owner of the document or the parties involved in the transaction may make a copy. If the document is recorded in the land records, anyone can obtain a copy.

Is a photocopy of a document legal?

Copies of documents are 'legitimate.' They may not be acceptable for certain legal situations. In which a notarized copy would have to be obtained.

Can a notary public certify a document?

It all depends on what you will be using it for. A facsimile is not accepted for recording in most land records offices. Some judges will not accept a faxed copy of a document, such as a promissory note or check with a notation on the memo line. Many contracts are faxed but the parties should agree ahead of time and the faxed copies that go back and forth should contain a clause that they will be binding although faxed.

Can you use colour photocopies of legal documents when submitting certified copies?

Generally, no. A certified document has a stamp on it that certifies it as a true and full copy of the instrument.Generally, no. A certified document has a stamp on it that certifies it as a true and full copy of the instrument.Generally, no. A certified document has a stamp on it that certifies it as a true and full copy of the instrument.Generally, no. A certified document has a stamp on it that certifies it as a true and full copy of the instrument.

Select the appropriate action to take when a signed paper copy is required for legal purposes?

Print out the document, sign it in ink, and then scan or make a photocopy of the signed paper copy to retain for your records. Keep the original signed document in a secure location to ensure its integrity for legal purposes.