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If you did nothing wrong and your just making a police report about somthing that happened to you, than all the police officer has to do is sit down with you and make the corrections. Now if you did something illeagle and the officer misinterprpeded what you said or wrote somthing you didnt say but in his own words, than that is wher the leagle aspect comes into play. Before you are arrested you must be advised of your 5th amendment rights. After your rights have been read to you you than have the option of answering questions. My advise to anyone is to not answer any questions with out an attourny present. If one cannot be provided you still do not have to answer anything if you don't want to. But if your going to request that the interview br recorded so their is no question to what was said. If all of those options fail you can still write what is called a rebuttile. That is basicly your own version of what happend and that can be done by yourself with out the prsance of law enforcement.

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Q: If a police officer made an error in recording your statement in a police report what are your rights to get it corrected?
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In which States is it legal to use recording equipment on a police officer?

There are 38 states in which it is legal to use recording equiptment on a police officer this is however, as long as it does not interfere with their work. Some of these states are; California, Conneticut, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusettes< Michigan, Montanna and Washington.

How do you write a statement against a police officer?

In most cases, writing a statement against a police officer is known as making a complaint against a police officer. The complaints are usually handled by the police department's internal affairs unit, but may also be handled by citizen oversight committees in some jurisdictions. Very serious allegations of police misconduct may also be made to the District Attorney, the State Attorney General, or the FBI. In order to make the complaint, you will be asked to write out exactly what happened. This usually means that you write down what you alone observed. If there are other witnesses, they need to come in and write what they each observed. It needs to be detailed, as objective as possible, and name the officer(s), date/time, location, and what the officer exactly did or said. Audio or video recordings are also very important, but if you are making one of those, it is best that you not tell the officer you are recording them (Some officers won't care that you are recording because they feel they are doing nothing wrong, and other officers may attempt to stop you from recording. The legality of officers stopping you from recording is not clear.) Name everyone that witnessed the situation so that all witnesses can be contacted. Witnesses who were NOT involved in the arrest/situation, but who are completely independent, are the best.

What course of action should an officer take when recording witness statements in a police report?

Use direct quotes from the witness.

How can you amend your police statement?

Contact the officer or investigator to whom you gave your original statement and tell them that you have recalled more things and would like make a supplemental statement.

Can a police officer give a lesser charge if suspect make a statement?

The officer can only make decisions on whether to arrest, cite, or not to arrest, referred to as officer discretion. The officer cannot (honestly) promise leniency of a charge because they do not have that authority. Charges are filed and issued by a prosecutor, not a police officer. Any statements given to a police officer based on a "promise of leniency" without the prosecutor's cooperation will be considered coerced and inadmissible.

What is a factor that can be used to impeach a witness?

The most common method of impeaching witness testimony is with a prior inconsistent statement. For example, if a bystander witness watches an accident, she will give a statement to a police officer at the scene. If she told the officer that the traffic light was red, but later testified that the light was green, her statement in the police report could be used to discredit, or impeach, her testimony.

What is making false statement to public servant?

Essentially, lying to a police or federal officer, or a judge, or lying under oath.

What do you do if a police officer gives a false statement in a jury trial?

Inform your attorney, who can refer the matter to the Prosecution's attention. If it can be proven, then a charge of Perjury may be brought against the officer. Without proof of a deliberate lie, it is simply up to your side to refute the officer's statement with other testimony.

What is the possessive of police officer?

The possessive form of the noun police officer is police officer's.Example: The police officer's car blocked the escape of the suspect.

What is an abbreviation for officer as in police officer?

For the word Officer the abbreviation is "OFC." For Police Officer, the abbreviation is "P.O."

What is the plural form for police officer?

Police Officers

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A police officer