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Q: If a person is accused of a crime how is this person proved guilty or innocent in East Timor?
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According to roman law a person was considered innocent until proven..what?

Actually, it is much like Mexico is today, and they were guilty until proved innocent.

Which of these modern legal concepts has roots in the Roman legal system?

A person who causes damage to another should be punished.

How were witches accused?

If you made somebody angry or you were an oddball or sometimes you may not even know how it happened. Once the hysteria began it was every 'man' for himself. Unforturnately, the very device that proved a person innocent was also the device that killed the accused.

Do innocent people deserve to die if accused of murder?

no, they have done nothing to hurt you so why kill them over nothing? If i accused you of killing my dog, but you never did, and i had no proof, why should you die? If i had false proof, then other's would figure out that on their own, and the innocent people would be proved innocent. As long as we have capital punishment, innocent people will always die for murders they are accused of but did not commit. Society has to decide if they deserve to do so.

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It proved to the world how crazy his allegations were when he accused so many innocent Americans of communism.

What is the Meaning of presumed innocent until proved guilty?

Until they have all the evidence to prove you have committed the crime you can not be charged for it

What is the person who is not guilty called?

If a person has not commit anykind of crime though he/she was convicted of that but atlast it was proved that he/she was not a criminal

Should the Department of Social Welfare and Development discriminate a fire victim by not granting him a calamity fund because he was accused for the incident?

Should and do are different. No, they should not. One of the prime principles of American justice is that you are innocent until and unless proved guilty. The idea that you would be refused service because you are accused or suspected is punishment prior to conviction. However if you are granted the fund and subsequently convicted then a charge of fraud would probably be justified.

How can the rights of the accused be just to the victim?

Rights of the accused have nothing to do with being just or unjust to the victim since, using the U.S. justice system as the example, the accused is innocent until proven guilty. In practice and in reality, this can actually be very unjust to a victim, depending on the crime, as the victim had their rights stripped of them by whoever committed a crime against them yet the accused has a myriad of rights to protect them and the process of proving guilt can be further insult to injury to the victim. When guilt is proved beyond a reasonable doubt, the victim is supposed to feel like justice was served. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't.

How can rights of the accused be just to the victim?

Rights of the accused have nothing to do with being just or unjust to the victim since, using the U.S. justice system as the example, the accused is innocent until proven guilty. In practice and in reality, this can actually be very unjust to a victim, depending on the crime, as the victim had their rights stripped of them by whoever committed a crime against them yet the accused has a myriad of rights to protect them and the process of proving guilt can be further insult to injury to the victim. When guilt is proved beyond a reasonable doubt, the victim is supposed to feel like justice was served. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't.

Were the Scottsboro boys innocent?

YES!! Their attorney Samuel L. proved them innocent!

What would happen if the fifth amendment was taken away?

Most people who were guilty, but proved innocent, would have gotten in trouble later, they would then be double trialed. Not being able to be double jeoparedied as actually a good right. It is pretty much saying you didnt prove me guilty the first time, you didnt find enough evidence, so I shall be set free. If you are then accused of doing something else that is related to that crime, you can get tried again.