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Then - you're obliged to find somewhere else to live. If you're not on the lease, and the lessee dies - the landlord has every right to have you evicted.

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Q: If a person dies who is on the lease and you can no longer afford it?
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If the primary borrower on a cosigned car lease dies. what happens to the car?

The person who's name is on the Title is the owner of the car.

Can you break an apartment lease when the tenant dies if there is a 1 or 2 yr lease and the tenant dies unexpectantly is the estate resposible for the balance of the lease?

Depending on the state laws. Ohio is NO. Unless written into the lease as a clause clearly indicating the loss of life factor, then the end of the life is the end of the lease. The use cannot continue once the original lease holder dies. This is not necessarily true for property leased for a business. The business assets may be required for lease fulfillment then but NOT for lease of residential.

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If the lease is in his name and he passed away, then read the lease agreement. Frequently, when a person leases a car and dies, the car goes back to the company that leased it. If you want to do something else, you will need to get with the company that wrote the lease.

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She's dead, thus would no longer menstruate.I'm not sure what you're asking here, when a woman dies she is no longer living - not only will she no longer menstruate, but she also no longer does anything...because she's dead.

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No they can't, only people on the lease can reside. The roommate would have to sign a new lease.

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If a husband dies on section 8 can wife get section 8?

Yes! As long as she is on the lease. This is known as a voucher inheritence. Any family member who lived in the house -- and was on the lease-- when the voucher holder dies can have the voucher transferred to that family member.

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When a person dies of old age its because there heart can no longer continue to run and support there body any more.

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Only if your name is on the existing lease. The parents estate can be held responsible for damages, but the lease itself is simply void upon death if no one on the lease is left alive.

Are signed lease agreements valid after a landlord dies?

Valid. Valid. Valid if there is someone to enforce it like a family member, trust, heir or lawyer. Y-THINK-Y

Who dies in jak3?

the person who dies is Damas.