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Not only do courts represent the best interest of the child...but also they represent the interests of the taxpayers. We're the ones who ensure they receive a paycheck every I am not a 100% sure on this but essentially....the answer is NO...they don't pay support. Let me go a bit further and add that the court also will not terminate a parents rights if by doing so it directly puts the burden for taking care of the child (ren) on the for all those questions about how to terminate a parent's rights...the real answer is in oneself. It they are the deadbeat...let them be. Just ensure that you are a grown up with a full-time job and benefits for your children so that when the time comes...the deadbeats rights will indeed be terminated.

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Yes, until/unless the child is adopted.

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Q: If a parent signs over their rights in Delaware do they still have to pay child support?
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Can you collect child support if your child is not living with you?

In most cases the parent who has the child doesn't have to pay child support. The parent who does not have the child pays child support if they want visitation rights. In most jurisdictions, the non custodial parent must pay child support even without visitation rights.

If you give away parental rights do you have to pay child support?

Yes, you are STILL the person responsible for bringing the child into the world. You need to support them. The laws vary from state to state on parental rights and child support,So signing away your parental rights may not relieve you from paying child support.. However if one parent wants the other parent to sign away their parental rights,they can come to a legal aggreement that if the parent signs away their rights then the other parent will cancel any current child support and will not seek support for that child in the future,this of course must be done through the courts...

Can a parent be taken to court for no visitation rights?

It's not the parent who decide whether there will be visitation rights or not, that is the court and a parent is not obligated to petition for one. A parent can not be forced to have a relationship with their child. Apart from paying child support.

In New York State a parent that gave up their rights have to pay child support?

Yes, depending on the divorce decree, a parent in New York State will still need to pay child support even when parent rights are terminated. This varies depending on exactly what the judge ordered at the child support hearing.

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If a parent of a child that lives in Michigan gives up their legal rights as parent have to pay child support?

It depends on the terms of the separation agreement, but in general, no: giving up your rights as a parent does not necessarily release you from your obligations as a parent.

In Georgia does relinquishing rights to a child relieve a parent of child support responsibilities?

Yes. I am in Georgia and I adopted my niece. The biological parents were relinquished of all rights to the child, even child support responsibility.

Is parental rights canceled if custodial parent doesnt want child support?


Can you keep the father of your child from having visitation rights and still collect child support?

Child support and visitation are two separate issues. The custodial parent can file a suit for child support but cannot deny the non custodial parent custodial or vistation rights is said parent wants those rights. That being said, the non custodial parent can file for custody or visitation regardless of whether the child support issue is addressed or not. Such matters are decided by the court if the parents cannot find an equitable solution.

Can you be sued for child support if your an unfit parent?

Being a unfit parent and/or give up your parental rights or have them taken away, is usually not something that means you get out of paying child support.

Can custodial parent move out of state if there is an existing child support order in one state?

No. If there is a child support order that means a state court has jurisdiction over the child. If the parent who is paying child support has any parental rights of custody or visitation the custodial parent would need the NC parent's consent and court approval to move out of state. The existing orders would have to be modified.No. If there is a child support order that means a state court has jurisdiction over the child. If the parent who is paying child support has any parental rights of custody or visitation the custodial parent would need the NC parent's consent and court approval to move out of state. The existing orders would have to be modified.No. If there is a child support order that means a state court has jurisdiction over the child. If the parent who is paying child support has any parental rights of custody or visitation the custodial parent would need the NC parent's consent and court approval to move out of state. The existing orders would have to be modified.No. If there is a child support order that means a state court has jurisdiction over the child. If the parent who is paying child support has any parental rights of custody or visitation the custodial parent would need the NC parent's consent and court approval to move out of state. The existing orders would have to be modified.

Will my child still receive ssdi child support if he gets adopted?

Not from the parent that is losing parental rights.