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The grandmother would need to gain legal custody before she can petition the court for monetary support. Unless the court terminated the rights of the mother she probably would be ordered to pay child support. A "letter" is not sufficient documentation for transferring the care of a child/children to another person even a family member. A petition must be made to the court for temporary or permanent custody under the guidelines of the state of residency laws. Schools will not allow a child to be enrolled unless it is by the parent, legal guardian. Then there is the issue of medical care, and the before mentioned support, either through public assistance or by the parent(s).

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Q: If a mother writes a letter giving custody of her children to the grandmother can the grandmother demand child support from the mother?
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Do both the mother and father have to pay child support if grandmother has custody?

Unfortunately, you still have to pay if these are her grandparents. It is up to the grandparents to suggest to her that she pay something towards the children. If they are your grandparents then they can seek legal council and demand she too pay child support. If she is living with the grandparents and raising your child then it is solely up to the grandparents to decide if they foot the bill or she does. Sorry. Marcy

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Yes, mothers do it all the time with stay at home dads. Equal rights.

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When a parent moves to Germany, and has children in the United States, he does have to pay child support. If he is evading child support; Germany will demand he continues to pay support.

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It's likely, but I don't think that you could legally demand custody. You could work out some arrangements with the custodial step father and the biological father concerning visits and vacations, but you will still need a court order that gives you custody.

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You can demand anything that you want to demand, but no one is obligated to comply with your demands, if there is no court order backing you up.

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You can't demand it. But you can request it from the court.

Demand for Child Support Payment?

Get StartedA divorce decree or other custody agreement may require one of the parents to pay child support. In addition to cash payments, the court may order that a parent pay other amounts such as medical expenses, dental expenses, the cost of college tuition or lessons, or amounts for specific activities or special needs of the children. The court may also order that the parent maintain a life insurance policy on that parent's life with the children named as the beneficiaries.The purpose of this letter is to remind a parent that child support payments are past due, to transmit bills that are the responsibility of that parent, and document your demand for payment.The court that entered the divorce decree or child support order usually retains the power to enter further orders, such as a judgment for delinquent child support obligations. However, to enforce child support payments, it may be necessary to obtain the assistance of an attorney.

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As long as no court actions have been taken against the mother for abandoning the children she can still show up again and demand to see her children. Only court action take take away her parental rights. If the father (or guardian) went to court after the abandonment to get custody he can refuse to allow the mother to see the kids, but the mother can take him to court to gain access to the children. It's very important that fathers file for custody. I've seen cases where the mother came back years later, as to take the kids somewhere, and the where is the court house to file for custody based on possession. By the time there's a full hearing, the judge is unwilling to give the children back to the father. see link

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Can the mother of an unmarried pregnant 17 year old in Colorado demand paternity test on unborn child?

No. As the grandparent you have no rights to the child. But since she is not married to the father he will have to prove paternity with a DNA test if he wants parental rights such as custody, visitation and pay child support.

Can you stop paying child support if the mother leaves the child with you one year after divorce and moves away?

You can stop paying child support when/if the court enters an order terminating your obligation. A motion for which, plus change of custody, should be entered within 30 days, but in the State of Missouri, a simple notification to child support enforcement is all that's needed after 30 days. They have the authority to confirm and discontinue the order, but this will not address custody. Without the change, the mother could return at any time and demand the child back. see links

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If significant numbers of people decided to have more children, it may affect supply and demand. It would lead to more demand and less supply.