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Depends on court orders

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Q: If a mother leaves the state in which the father knew she was residing and she moved to another state without the fathers consent is that illegal?
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Is it illegal for a mother and her child to live in a different city then the father?

If there is a custody agreement in place through the courts, the mother cannot take the child out of state without the fathers consent. If there is no agreement in place, the mother does not have to have the fathers consent.

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They are called an illegal immigrant.

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It is illegal to modify the SRS without consent from the NHTSA.It is illegal to modify the SRS without consent from the NHTSA.

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unless it is illegal you can't without parental consent. another option is to go to another country, but it is generally no where as clean as here.

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Necrophilia is illegal no matter what.

Is it illegal to do scientific experiments on a person with out that person consent?

Yes, it's illegal to touch a person without their consent. This would be defined as Battery.

Is it illegal to take a picture of a minor while they are at school?

it is illegal if you do not have the parents consent

Is it illegal to put songs on a film without the artists consent?

Quite illegal.

What if the girl is 17 and the guy is 32 is that illegal?

It is illegal if she is below the age of consent in her state. The age of consent differ from 16-18 in the different states.

If you give guardianship of a minor child to a relative and they do not live or care for themis it illegal?

that is illegal, and dishonest. the person who has guardianship for the child is who the child should be residing with.

Is it illegal to get slap in the face in Austin Texas?

Without your consent, then it is assault. It is legal if you give consent.

Can a minor get a tattoo with parent consent in Oregon?

not true, you have to be 18 without parental consent. if you are a minor in Oregon with parental consent you can get one done. Nowhere. Tattooing minors is illegal in Oregon, even with parental consent. You cant get a tattoo in Oregon as a minor even with parent consent it is still illegal in Oregon