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A jury's claim of being deadlocked, or 'hung,' is virtually never accepted on first occurrence. The judge will re-instruct the jurors on the point(s) of law they should be considering and send them back for more deliberation.

Added: In the event that the Jury is not able to reach a verdict and the judge is convinced that no further deliberation will be successful, the court will eventually be forced to declare a mistrial.

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Q: If a jury tells the judge they can not make a decision what happens next?
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Who makes the final decision in the court of law the Judge or the Jury?

In a court of law, the final decision is typically made by the judge if it is a bench trial (no jury). In cases with a jury, the final decision is made collectively by the jury based on the evidence presented and the law as instructed by the judge.

What is the decision of a jury in a court of law called?

The decision of the jury is called a verdict. The decision of a judge is called her ruling or holding.

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The judge overruled the jury's decision.

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When a judge gives the jury "instructions," what that means is that the judge is "instructing" the jury on the applicable law or laws which the jury must consider in deliberating their decision. The judge is NOT instructing them on how to rule.

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there is a mistrial

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The judge's function in a trial by jury, is to rule on matters of law and evidence and ensure the trial is conducted properly in accordance with applicable law. But, it is the jury's verdict which IS the final decision. Depending upon the type of trial the judge MAY have some leeway in in sentencing or levying a punishment or fine.

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civil lawsuits are heard by a jury, then they make the decision. only if both parties agree to a non-jury trial does a judge make the decision.

What case's are not affected by a jury?

The ones where you plead guilty or a decision is made by a judge.

Can a party Request a judge instead of jury?

Yes a party can waive the right to a jury trial and let the judge make the decision. In many states, in civil cases, you must request a jury in your initial pleading or you automatically waive your right to a jury.

What happens if a jury is hung?

judge can mistrila or ask the jury for more deliberation

How is it determined if your convicted with domestic violence?

The judge hears the accusers side of the story - the accused is granted the opportunity to give their side of the story - the judge renders the decision (or in the case of a jury trial - the jury renders the decision). Either way - you'll know.

How does the jury affect the judges decision?

In a jury trial, the jury makes decisions of fact, and the judge makes decisions on the law. Neither has any input on the others' decisions.