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Yes. You should visit the family court and inquire about what must be filed with the court. There should be a form available. Each can sign the petition and once it is signed by a judge it will become permanent.

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12y ago

The mother cannot simply give her parental rights to her parents. There must be a request for guardianship filed with the court. The court will notify the father of the hearing and he will have the opportunity to object and request custody. The court will make a decision that is in the best interest of the child.

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It is very likely that the father could get full custody of the child. It will depend upon the history of the father and if he is willing.

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Q: If a father abandons his child can his parental rights be taken away?
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No. There is no requirement for the child to have to "know" the father for him to give up his parental rights.

Can a father sign over parental rights to an unborn child in Alabama?

That is a decision made by the court. A court can grant a partial or complete Termination of Parental Rights if the judge feels it is warranted for reasons other than said parent is relieved of his or her financial obligation to their minor child/children. Generally voluntary TPR's (those requested by a parent) are only granted when a child is being legally adopted.

When a father abandons his child does he still have rights?

Yes, he still has rights, though his history of non-involvement can be brought up in custody proceedings. A mother cannot withhold visitation for non-support of a child, nor can she interfere with a visitation court order.

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No. The biological father can give up his rights and if your husband then want to be more than a step parent, who have no rights to the child, can adopt your child. Or not, that is your choice as the parent.

Can a father terminate parental rights of an unborn child in Texas can i still file for child support?

Termination of parental rights does not terminate one's child support obligation.

Can the father of your baby give up his parental rights to his cousin?

If the cousin is currently married to you, and is willing to accept parental responsibilities and adopt the child, then the father can give up his parental rights.

Is a father's rights terminated if he pays child support?

Paying child support will not cause the father to lose his parental rights - neither will not paying child support.

If the mother and father of a child are married does the father have parental rights?

Yes, equal to the mother.

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The life insurance proceeds are owed to the beneficiary(s), regardless of parental rights.

Can the mother of your child legally sign the child's rights over to the child's grandparents when im not an unfit father?

She can terminate her parental rights, not yours.

In Minnesota if you sign over your parental rights to a child do you still have to pay child support?

Parental rights and child support are two different issues. Signing over your parental rights has no effect on your payment obligation unless the ending of the payment obligation is mentioned on the document.

Can a father give up his physical rights but not his financial rights?

Yes, a father can give up his parental rights but he still have to pay child support.