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Yes, you must send the judgment to all three credit reporting agencies, Trans Union, Experian, and Equifax. You can get there addresses of line by searching "credit reporting agencies".

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Q: If a civil court judgment for collection is on your credit report and you have written documentation that debt was dismissed does that mean that the item can be removed from your credit file?
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Is a judgment removed by filing a chapter 7?

The judgment is not "removed" but the judgment creditor is barred by the discharge from collecting on the judgment. Filing a c. 7 will stay the collection, but if the case is dismissed before a discharge is granted, the judgment is enforceable. If the judgment involves intentional harm or drunk driving or certain other limited situations, the discharge does not prevent collection on the judgment.

How can you get a 'satisfied' judgment removed from your credit report?

To get a 'satisfied' judgment removed from your credit report, you can contact the credit reporting agencies and dispute the information. Provide any documentation that shows the judgment has been satisfied. You may also need to reach out to the creditor or court that issued the judgment to request that they provide confirmation of its satisfaction to the credit bureaus.

When and how are judgment liens removed?

they are removed by the act of filing a satisfaction of judgment with the county clerks office

Is a stipulation recorded on credit history Is a stipulation the same thing as a judgment?

A stipulation is simply a condition that must be met as a result of the entry of a judgment. Sometimes, a stipulation may provide for the judgment to be dismissed upon satisfaction. In all cases, once a filing for a judgment is made (i.e the creditor files the lawsuit in court) there is now a public record of the judgment and that event is what shows up on a credit report. Most of the time, the result of the judgment is not going to show up in the credit report. So, if someone were to frivolously file 10 lawsuits against you, all ten will show up on your credit report, even tho they may all be dismissed by the judge. So, if you have a stipulated judgment that can be dismissed once it is paid, only the public records in your county will be updated to reflect the satisfaction of the judgment and subsequent dismissal... the credit report will only show the initial filing and amount. It is up to you to contact the credit bureaus and dipute a dismissed judgment and provide them with proof of the dismissal to have it complete removed from your credit report. Always get a Satisfaction of Judgment or an abstract from the court showing the disposition of the case if it is dismissed. These documents are sometimes required to be signed by the original creditor as well as proof the debt is satisfied. If a creditor doesn't sign it, it may not be considered legally paid. So, be thorough and follow through in order to make sure your credit report shows exactly what it should be showing.

If judgment goes to bankruptcy will it be removed?

If a judgment goes in the bankruptcy, it can be removed. The person who the judgment was for, has the right to request that it still be paid. In most Chapter 7 situations, the judge will decide in favor of the debtor.

If you have paid a judgment how can you have it removed from your public record?

You can't. The fact that you have a judgment will stay with for years

Who do you get dismissed charges removed form my record in dallastx?

i want to find how to clean my crimal record from charges that has been dismissed but hurt me from findin employment

What is release of judgment?

A release of judgment is like a pardon. It means that the court's decision has been discarded or removed.

Can a chapter 13 be removed 7 years after being involuntarily dismissed?

The answer is yes -- Chapter 13s are removed after 7 years in a credit file

If you filed Chapter 13 but it was withdrawn and dismissed how do you get this removed from the CRA's since you did not go bankrupt?

You can't get it removed. It will stay on there for 10 years and that is just a consequence of filing for bankruptcy. You can write to the credit reporting agencies to have the entry changed to reflet that it has been dismissed.

What if you applied to have a felony removed from your records and had another charge and was dismissed by the court?

it will be decliend.but if your lucky it will pass.

If a creditor has a judgment against you but has died who do you pay or how can you have the judgment removed?

The judgment would of come through the court system. You would need to contact the court to know who to pay. You can dispute the listing to the credit bureaus, but that doesn't mean it will be removed. They have 30 days to verify the listing and if it isn't verified it must be removed.