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If the judgment was rendered 3 years ago, it will remain for at least another 4 years or it could remain for the entire period that the judgment is valid. Depending on state laws, that could be 10,20,30 or more years.

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Q: If a 7-year-old charged off card was sold to a lawyer who got a judgment 3 years ago and you made some payments to lawyer can the judgment be removed from your credit report due to age?
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When and how are judgment liens removed?

they are removed by the act of filing a satisfaction of judgment with the county clerks office

How do you get a judgment removed from your credit if its not yours?

By "not yours" I assume the debt or whatever wasn't charged by you, or whatever...if you didn't file an answer to the initial lawsuit you are screwed unless you can prove fraud to the person that filed the suit...if you can, then they can probably have the judgment released, or dismiss the case without prejudice.

If judgment goes to bankruptcy will it be removed?

If a judgment goes in the bankruptcy, it can be removed. The person who the judgment was for, has the right to request that it still be paid. In most Chapter 7 situations, the judge will decide in favor of the debtor.

If you have paid a judgment how can you have it removed from your public record?

You can't. The fact that you have a judgment will stay with for years

What is release of judgment?

A release of judgment is like a pardon. It means that the court's decision has been discarded or removed.

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If a creditor has a judgment against you but has died who do you pay or how can you have the judgment removed?

The judgment would of come through the court system. You would need to contact the court to know who to pay. You can dispute the listing to the credit bureaus, but that doesn't mean it will be removed. They have 30 days to verify the listing and if it isn't verified it must be removed.

Can child support be removed if both parents agree with each other that one party just can't afford the payments?

if the receiving parent files a satisfaction of judgment with the courts the past due child support would no longer be owed.

Can a judgment be removed from your credit report?

Yes...once it is paid.

Broker breached contract but won a judgment against us in a court of law. Is there a statute of limitations on that judgment.?

There is no statute of limitations on a judgment. The only way a judgment can be satisfied is to pay the debt and then it will be removed from your credit report.

Will a judgment be removed from a credit report if it is paid?

No. It will show that you had a judgment on your credit report for up to seven years, but it will show a zero balance.

Is a judgment removed by filing a chapter 7?

The judgment is not "removed" but the judgment creditor is barred by the discharge from collecting on the judgment. Filing a c. 7 will stay the collection, but if the case is dismissed before a discharge is granted, the judgment is enforceable. If the judgment involves intentional harm or drunk driving or certain other limited situations, the discharge does not prevent collection on the judgment.