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you should be able to go out with who ever you want or of coures lie and say you did break up with him

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Q: If I am 16 which is the age of consent in my state and my boyfriend is 19 but my parents don't approve what do I do?
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Can a 17 year old girl move out with her boyfriend?

If she has the permission of her parents and she is the legal age of consent in that state.

Can a 17 year old girl move in with her boyfriend in CA?

If she has the permission of her parents and she is the legal age of consent in that state.

Can a 17-year-old girl legally be together with her 27-year-old boyfriend in the state of Ohio if they have parental consent?

Not in the state of Ohio must be 18 years of age even with parents consent

Is it legal for a 17 year old girl to have a 22 year old boyfriend even if her parents don't approve according to Texas state laws?

In Texas a 17yo can legally give consent to sex but it's the parents who decide who their minor is allowed to see. They can get a restraining order if need be. Apart from that there are no laws for dating.

How do you get married in Texas if you are 17 and boyfriend is 21?

Go to city hall and ask about a marriage license. They may say you need parental consent since you are under the age of 18 or they may not if there state laws approve marriages without parental consent at that age.

Can a 15 year old move in with her boyfriend if he can provide for her with her parent's consent in the state of Georgia?

Parental permission is important and a key factor. However, part of it will depend on the boyfriend as well. Technically, she is under the age of consent, and therefore sexual contact could be a crime. And the parents cannot consent to a crime.

Can a 17 year old female in the state of Georgia move in with her 21 year old boyfriend legally without her parents consent?

i belive so!

Is a 16 year old impregnated by an adult boyfriend with parental consent legal and can the male adult still get charged?

Parents can not give legal consent for their minor child to have sex. The minor must have reached age of consent in the state. If the child was below age of consent and the parents knew they had sex, they can be charged with aiding to statutory rape.

Can a 16 year old move with her boyfriend if he can provide for her without her parent's consent in the state of New Jersey?

No. Until she is 18 or emancipated, she has to live where her parents say.

In the state of north Carolina is it legal for a 17-year-old to move out with consent and then move in with her 21-year-old boyfriend in a nonsexual relationship?

If her parents agree or she is emancipated, then yes.

Can a 16-year-old have an 18-year-old boyfriend if she has her parents' consent in Texas?

Parental consent does not override the law if its illegal. Call your local court house and ask them the legal age of consent or adult hood. * The state does not have laws that address the age at which minors can date. It does have age of consent and age of majority laws, that age is 18. When parents consent to a relationship authorities seldom intervene except in extreme circumstances.

Can you be 16 and live with your boyfriend and his family if he lives out of state?

Only with parental consent.