

Best Answer

Yes. Charges can be filed because you admitted you had in your possession, and destroyed illegal substances. I'm guessing that they didn't have a case in the first place otherwise they wouldn't have needed you to tell them.

- Possession of Marijuana

- Destroying Evidence

Another View: While the first answerer is correct in that you COULD be charged with these violations the odds are against it - but not for any violations of your rights, since the teachers are not law enforcement personnel and the requirement to give you a Mirnada warning is not applicable to them.

Most likely it would be a judgment call on the part of the police or the prosecutor as to whether the case had "prosecutorial merit' or not.

NOW - what the school may do to you . . . that is another story.

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Q: I was in possession of marijuana at school i flushed it down the toilet along with the bag i told the truth to the teachers they filed a police report. will charges be pressed?
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