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If you have joint legal custody then you are equal in your rights to make legal decisions regarding your son and all major decisions such as those concerning his education and medical treatment. You should try to make those decisions together.

If he lives with you, you have the greater influence over his behavior. When he is with his father, his father has the right to make decisions regarding his care and behavior while he is in his father's custody.

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Q: I have full physical custody but share joint legal with my ex husband when it comes to my sons behavior care meaning where he seeks treatment treatment programs etc who has upper hand?
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If you have sole custody and your ex has physical custody can you keep her?

You cannot have sole custody without physical custody. If your ex has physical custody, you are the non-custodial parent.

What exactly is physical custody?

Physical custody means that a person (typically the parent) has the right to have the child living with them. This could be sole physical custody, or even joint physical custody in which the parents share custody of their child.

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Yes. Legal and physical custody granted to the mother means full, sole legal and physical custody.

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Domiciliary custody refers to the parent who has physical custody. It's the parent with whom the child lives.Domiciliary custody refers to the parent who has physical custody. It's the parent with whom the child lives.Domiciliary custody refers to the parent who has physical custody. It's the parent with whom the child lives.Domiciliary custody refers to the parent who has physical custody. It's the parent with whom the child lives.

Is Primary Physical Custody the same as being the Primary Parent in Nevada?

Primary parent may informally refer to the parent with whom the child lives for the majority of the time. Primary physical custody is the legal term for the parent with physical care and supervision of their child for the majority of the time.Child support and custody is an extremely complicated area of law in Nevada which is somewhat behind the times in defining and clarifying these issues. If you need legal advice in that area you need to consult with an attorney who specializes in family law and who has a good reputation.A parent may have sole legal custody or joint legal custody.A parent with sole legal custody can make all the decisions regarding the child such as education, medical treatment and religious training.Joint legal custody means that both parents have a equal right to make decisions regarding the child. Parents with joint legal custody may have different arrangements regarding physical custody. They may share physical custody equally or the child may spend more time with one parent. If a parent has physical custody of the child for the majority of the time they are considered to be the primary parent.Physical custody is a different issue. Nevada recognizes three forms of physical custody:sole physical custody- sole physical care and supervisionprimary physical custody- physical care and supervision for the majority of the timejoint physical custody- parents share physical care and supervision

What are your rights if you have primary physical custody but joint legal custody with the other parent?

The parents have equal rights in making decisions that affect the child. That's why judges are reluctant to award joint custody to parents who do not have a congenial relationship. An unreasonable parent can make life miserable for everyone.

If mother has physical custody of the child who has the authority to make burial decisions?

The party with legal custody makes the decision. Physical custody is another matter between the parties. Many couples have joint custody with physical custody to the mother. Whoever has legal custody has the right to make important decisions.

Can a father who has joint physical custody of his son be granted sole physical custody if the mother is in jail?

Either parent can have physical custody in a joint custody arrangement. If there is a court order granting the mother physical custody the father should notify the court of the mother's incarceration and have that order modified unless he wants the mother to resume physical custody when she is released.

Should a father ask for child support first?

The parent who will have physical custody is the parent who can request child support.The parent who will have physical custody is the parent who can request child support.The parent who will have physical custody is the parent who can request child support.The parent who will have physical custody is the parent who can request child support.

Can you take your child out of school if you are not the legal guardian but you have joint custody?

Not if you do not have legal physical custody. The school would not have any right to release the child to you if the other parent has sole physical custody.Not if you do not have legal physical custody. The school would not have any right to release the child to you if the other parent has sole physical custody.Not if you do not have legal physical custody. The school would not have any right to release the child to you if the other parent has sole physical custody.Not if you do not have legal physical custody. The school would not have any right to release the child to you if the other parent has sole physical custody.

How does joint custody affect child support in Nebraska?

The parent with physical custody receives child support from the other parent.The parent with physical custody receives child support from the other parent.The parent with physical custody receives child support from the other parent.The parent with physical custody receives child support from the other parent.

What is meant by the phrase petitioner further prays for temporary and permanent legal custody and physical care of the children?

The person has petitioned the court for sole legal and physical custody of the children.The person has petitioned the court for sole legal and physical custody of the children.The person has petitioned the court for sole legal and physical custody of the children.The person has petitioned the court for sole legal and physical custody of the children.