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No. He managed to hide that information during the proceeding. While it may have made him look worse in the eyes of the judge at your divorce hearing it has no effect on your divorce.

No. He managed to hide that information during the proceeding. While it may have made him look worse in the eyes of the judge at your divorce hearing it has no effect on your divorce.

No. He managed to hide that information during the proceeding. While it may have made him look worse in the eyes of the judge at your divorce hearing it has no effect on your divorce.

No. He managed to hide that information during the proceeding. While it may have made him look worse in the eyes of the judge at your divorce hearing it has no effect on your divorce.

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13y ago

No. He managed to hide that information during the proceeding. While it may have made him look worse in the eyes of the judge at your divorce hearing it has no effect on your divorce.

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Q: I have found out after my divorce that my ex husband had another woman and they had a child together. He didn not declare this when applying for the decree absolute. Can this affect my divorce?
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