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Generally, he would need to petition the Ohio family court for custody and provide evidence to the court that you are an unfit parent. He can also request shared custody and a visitation order. You should request a child support order.

You should consult with an attorney who specializes in custody issues. See related link.

Generally, he would need to petition the Ohio family court for custody and provide evidence to the court that you are an unfit parent. He can also request shared custody and a visitation order. You should request a child support order.

You should consult with an attorney who specializes in custody issues. See related link.

Generally, he would need to petition the Ohio family court for custody and provide evidence to the court that you are an unfit parent. He can also request shared custody and a visitation order. You should request a child support order.

You should consult with an attorney who specializes in custody issues. See related link.

Generally, he would need to petition the Ohio family court for custody and provide evidence to the court that you are an unfit parent. He can also request shared custody and a visitation order. You should request a child support order.

You should consult with an attorney who specializes in custody issues. See related link.

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12y ago

Generally, he would need to petition the Ohio family court for custody and provide evidence to the court that you are an unfit parent. He can also request shared custody and a visitation order. You should request a child support order.

You should consult with an attorney who specializes in custody issues. See related link.

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Q: I am unmarried my child was born in Ohio and we live here. My child's dad lives in Virginia. Can he get custody of my child?
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Does the birth mother have to file for legal custody of her son in Virginia even if there is no legal father?

No. If the mother is unmarried then she has legal custody of her child automatically. If the father wants parental rights he must establish his paternity in court.No. If the mother is unmarried then she has legal custody of her child automatically. If the father wants parental rights he must establish his paternity in court.No. If the mother is unmarried then she has legal custody of her child automatically. If the father wants parental rights he must establish his paternity in court.No. If the mother is unmarried then she has legal custody of her child automatically. If the father wants parental rights he must establish his paternity in court.

If no court order for custody has been granted and the parents are unmarried who has the custody of a child in Oklahoma?

When the issue pertains to unmarried couples the law presumes the mother to have full legal custody of the child(ren). The father must establish paternity before custody, child support or visitation rights can be addressed by the court.

Can a unmarried mother take her child out of the UK without the child father's permission?

yes if she has full custody

If there was never a custody hering who has custody of the child?

The law presumes that an unmarried woman has sole custody of a child born out of wedlock until/unless a court rules otherwise.

Who receives custody of the child when parents are unmarried and in rehabilitation for addiction?

Often, a family member assumes custody of the child, either on their own (in which case they need to get legal custody ASAP) or through the State's child protection/child welfare agency.

Should you allow your son to visit his father in another state without custody papers in place?

The situation carries some risk depending on your relationship with the child's father and your marital status. An unmarried mother has legal custody of her child in most jurisdictions. An unmarried father must establish his paternity through court. The court in the jurisdiction where the child lives has jurisdiction over the child. You should consult with an attorney who specializes in custody issues if you have any doubts that your child will be returned at the agreed upon time.The situation carries some risk depending on your relationship with the child's father and your marital status. An unmarried mother has legal custody of her child in most jurisdictions. An unmarried father must establish his paternity through court. The court in the jurisdiction where the child lives has jurisdiction over the child. You should consult with an attorney who specializes in custody issues if you have any doubts that your child will be returned at the agreed upon time.The situation carries some risk depending on your relationship with the child's father and your marital status. An unmarried mother has legal custody of her child in most jurisdictions. An unmarried father must establish his paternity through court. The court in the jurisdiction where the child lives has jurisdiction over the child. You should consult with an attorney who specializes in custody issues if you have any doubts that your child will be returned at the agreed upon time.The situation carries some risk depending on your relationship with the child's father and your marital status. An unmarried mother has legal custody of her child in most jurisdictions. An unmarried father must establish his paternity through court. The court in the jurisdiction where the child lives has jurisdiction over the child. You should consult with an attorney who specializes in custody issues if you have any doubts that your child will be returned at the agreed upon time.

How long does a child have to live with you in virginia before you have custody?

Custody is decided in court based on what is best for the child, not for how long the child has lived with you.

If no court order for custody has been granted and the parents are unmarried who has the custody of a child in California?

Mother has sole custody in every state except Arizona. see link below

How can an unmarried mother obtain authorization to travel with her young son overseas if she and the child's father have never been married or established custody?

establish custody

Does Maryland automatically grant an unwed mother sole custody?

Yes. There really is no "grant". The mother of a child can always be determined since she gave birth. An unmarried mother has sole custody of her child until the father can establish his paternity legally. Once his paternity has been established he can request custody, a visitation schedule and child support will be addressed.Yes. There really is no "grant". The mother of a child can always be determined since she gave birth. An unmarried mother has sole custody of her child until the father can establish his paternity legally. Once his paternity has been established he can request custody, a visitation schedule and child support will be addressed.Yes. There really is no "grant". The mother of a child can always be determined since she gave birth. An unmarried mother has sole custody of her child until the father can establish his paternity legally. Once his paternity has been established he can request custody, a visitation schedule and child support will be addressed.Yes. There really is no "grant". The mother of a child can always be determined since she gave birth. An unmarried mother has sole custody of her child until the father can establish his paternity legally. Once his paternity has been established he can request custody, a visitation schedule and child support will be addressed.

Adding fathers name to a birth certificate?

Assuming this father is unmarried, he has the right to establish his paternity legally through the family court. Once his paternity has been established he can request joint custody and/or a visitation schedule and pay child support if the child is to remain in the physical custody of the mother.

Will the mother get sole legal custody of the child if the parents were never married and he hasn't seen the child over 4 years?

She already has sole legal custody as an unmarried mother. He can petition for visitation and pay child support.