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there is no problem with you or your girl to be older than the other. life is just like that. love doesnt have an age so her age shouldn't matter.

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Q: I'm 17 and my girlfriend is 18 is there any problem with that?
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I'm 17 and my girlfriend is 18 is there any problem with that Legally?

There is nothing wrong with that at all. My dad is one year younger than my mom and they are both perfectly fine with that.

If your 18 and your girlfriend is 17?

cool... that's normal.

How do you get your 17 year old girlfriend out of states custody?

You can not do anything. She will be there until she is 18.

How can a 17 ye how can a 17 year old get married if the girlfriend is over 18 and pregnant?

If the 17 year old has parental permission.

Where can a 32 year old man marry his 17 year old pregnant girlfriend?

If she lives in a state where 18 is the legal age she can not marry until then without her parents consent. If the legal age where you live is 16 there should not be any problem. If the legal age is 18 however the man can be charged with statutory rape since the 17yo is a minor. Pregnancy play no part in any of the cases and will not change any laws.

Is it illegal for a 18 year old boy if his 17 year old girlfriend runs away with him?

yes you are a fool

You are 17 yr old lesbian and will turn 18 in June if you move out with your 20 yr old girlfriend will you get in trouble?

Depending on the state you have to be legally emancipated to move out on your own if you are under 18. I would wait another month and move when you are 18 to avoid any further complications

Can an 18 year old live with 16 year old girlfriend and parents in Texas?

Yes but they can not have sex until she is 17.

If your girlfriend is pregnant can you move out at 17?

In most States 17 is still a minor and once the person turns 18 they are no longer a minor and considered an adult with the responsibilities that go with it. However, if both of the parents agree then they can sign a document so the young couple can get married and the baby will have parents. The best thing you can do is to have your girlfriend and her parents over to your parents home and discuss this problem to see what is the best thing for the baby.

How can a 17-year-old boy in Oregon who fathered a baby marry his girlfriend without his parents' permission?

Wait until you are 18.

How can a 17 year old boy move out in Arkansas with 18 year old girlfriend?

yes because they are one year apart.

What is the median of numbers 17 16 17 16 17 18 18?

In ascending order (16, 16, 17, 17, 17, 18, 18) it is 17 that is in the middle.