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2nd Degree Assault is more serious than Simple or 3rd Degree Assault, but not as serious as Aggravated or 1st Degree Assault. This basically means that serious bodily harm had been directly or indirectly inflicted on one person by another. Serious bodily harm would probably be classified as broken bones, dislocations, lacerations/incisions, damaged ligaments, concussions, or anything else that would have a moderate to severe impact on a person's ability to live a normal life.

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15y ago
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14y ago

A person commits the crime of domestic assault in the second degree if the act involves a family or household member of current or past intimate and he or she attempts to cause or knowingly causes physical injury by any means, including use of a deadly weapon or dangerous instrument, or by choking or strangulation; or recklessly causes serious physical injury, or recklessly causes physical injury with a deadly weapon.

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10y ago

It is important to stay updated on the laws of the state. One definition of attempted second degree assault is defined as a person who tries to kill or knowingly causes, tries to cause serious physical injury to another person under the influence of sudden passion arising out of adequate cause.

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13y ago

It can have different meanings according the way the legislatures of the various states worded the offense.

GENERALLY - it means sexual assault WITHOUT penetration of the sex organs.

You must check your own state's statutes for the exact meaning of the terminology in your state.

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11y ago

Second degree assault is not as fatal as first degree assault, but isn't as light as first degree assault. Second degree assault is when a person, although planning to hurt the victim, does not harm as much as first degree assault. This is like the difference between attacking with one's fists, or attacking with a firearm.

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11y ago

what is the penalty for assault 2nd degree in columbia s.c.

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Q: What does 2nd degree sexual assault mean?
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What is 2nd degree sexual assult?

Sexual assault in the 2nd degree means that sexual contact happened with no penetration. This can vary depending on the state.

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What would 3rd degree mean in a sexual assault charge?

Third Degree Sexual Assault is, in shortest terms, rape. It's defined as sexual intercourse without the victim's consent. The term sexual intercouse is, at least in WI, described as vaginal or anal penetration, or oral-vaginal/anal contact.

What does 2nd degree sexual assault mean in Arkansas?

It can mean different things and it varies somewhat by state. One part of the category that is often the reason for the "2nd degree" designation is having sex with someone who cannot legally give consent (like someone who is drugged or a minor) or someone under the perpetrator's care (like a patient or inmate).

What crimes constitute a class D felony in NY?

Not including "class D Violent felonies", they include Attempted manslaughter in the 2nd degree, attempted vehicular manslaughter in the 2nd degree, vehicular assault in the 1st degree, reckless endangerment in the 1st degree, attempted rape in the 2nd degree, sodomy in the 2nd degree, and promoting a sexual performance by a child. I got this from the NYSED website.

In Wisconsin can a minors who are 17 years old and 14 years old have be charged with sexual assault?

Yes, When I was 14 my boyfriend was 17 and he got charged with 2nd degree sexual assault. He did 9 months in jail, 6 years probation and had to register as a sex offender.. from experience it's not worth it.. if you care about each-opther be together, just dont have sex..

What does the offense code 750.520c1f mean?

It means Criminal Sexual Conduct 2nd Degree (Personal Injury). In other words, it's a rape charge.

Can charges be dropped on someone if state fails to extradite?

what is the difference between 1st, 2nd,and 3rd degree assault

What is maximum punishment for assault 2nd degree for adult in new york?

they go to court and get jail time. or they get a fine.

The child is 12 but claims to be 16 participates willingly in intercourse Is it 1st or 2nd degree assault?

The burden is on the perpetrator, NOT the victim.

An aquaintance is facing charges of Assault in the Second Degree How much should they expect to pay a defence lawyer?

My friend was charged with Assault in the 2nd Degree in New York City. The defence lawyer wants to charge a fee of $10,000.00 dollars Is this fee too high?

What is the chance on a case being dropped if the other party doesn't show up on a 2nd degree assault and battery charge?

About 90%. No victim no crime