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Let's just say: there would be a lot more prejudice people out there in the world. we might have had another Hitler incident... And we wouldn't be allowed to talk freely, or choose our own religion. This would also make it difficult to communicate ( without the right to press and assemble).

Hope i helped :)

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For one thing, we probably wouldn't be the United States. The Articles of Confederation (the governing document before the Constitution) gave very little power to the Federal government, and almost all to the States. Over the 200+ years that have passed, if there was no constitution, the States would probably have broken up. Some states may have been claimed as territories of other Nations; others may have become sovereign Nations themselves.

In addition, most of the States would not exist. Without the Constitution, the Louisiana purchase, and other factors which helped the expansion to the West, could not have been carried out, so the US, if it were still joined, would be much smaller. Many of the territories that became States would belong to other countries as territories or be separate Nations.

The short answer is: life would be VERY different.

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Q: How would life be in the US without the constitution?
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