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A man that really loves you is concerned about you. He is always there for you when you need him or not. He will not only tell you he loves you he will also show that he loves you. A man that really loves you never wants to see you hurting, stressed, but always wants to see you happy, and worry free. A man that loves you wants to grow with you. A man that loves you wants to see you do better in life with or without him.

Also here are more tips

1. If a guy likes you he will try to get you to smile.

2.he might try to get close to you lets say he might playfully kick you and then hold his foot longer there.

3.he might flirt with other girls to see your reaction.

4.he might complement you if his brave if his shy he might secretly look at you from time to time.

5. you might see him call you names and want to see you smile.

6.Listen to what he's saying if he likes you he will get nervous and talk about himself.

7.if he mimics you he likes you

8.if he talks to you a lot he likes you

9.if he asked to walk you home from school

10. if he asks you to go somewhere special he definitely likes you

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14y ago
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12y ago

You know that a guy really loves you if he is there by your side when your down. When You say your ugly he says no your not your beautiful. When you say your fat he says no you are not you are skinny. When he is friends say something really bad to you he says back the heck off. And one important when you ask him if likes you he says no. HE then says no I LOVE you. And the most important thing ever is when You ask him if he would miss you if you left. He would say no. After that he would say I would DIE if you left.

That is how you would know if he loved you.
if he wants to be around you all the time

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6y ago

YOu don't ever know if a guy ever loves you or not...I believe that infatuation is the word to use until the man dies for you, you will never know what he truly feels

**hhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmm................................lets see how do you know if a guy really loves you? That's a wonderful questionand the answe above mine I'm going to have to strongly agree with because any guy can tell you he loves you even your husband. but do you read mind or go off the face expressions that can easily have been practice before the day you said I do ! Ok i was just trying to get my point accros with the marrige thing but now I'm going to use me for a little example. Me and this guy was going out an when he said I love you i was shocked and said are you sure because love is a very stong word. and he replied with i love you again . later on in the relatioship i asked him how many girls he has loved in life and he said just 2 myself and someone else. he said he wish he'd never went out with the other because of some good stupid reason i forgot but a week after that w broke up but i had started to say i love you back. I broke up with him but only because he couldn't do it he was scared to break up with me . two and a half days later he had a girlfriend i wouldn't say you get over love that quick. im not over him but i wouldn't say im in love.
you never know. sometimes it's given in hints. and sometimes the guy is good at hiding and you never know anything until he tells you..... Which most guys chicken out on you and they don't do anything. hope this helps. : )

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13y ago

- he calls you back when you hang up on him

- he always wants to know whats wrong with you. (why you're sad, upset, mad, etc.)

- he tells you he loves you!

- he doesn't just call you "sexy" or say you have a hot ass or nice rack or good body, a guy who really loves you will call you beautiful gorgeous pretty, etc.

- he doesn't let anyone hurt you physically or emotionally

- he takes things slow

- he tells you he misses you

- he says what he likes about you

- he's honest & doesn't cheat

- he's not afraid to stand up for you

- there's so many more, just cant think of them.

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12y ago

He always stares at you he tells his friend about you don't worry girls it's normal if he is happy one day and ticked off on another day. He may be on and off with his feelings he will go by you he will show he cares by listening to you. My crush likes me back but I didn't know how to tell him at first, since hes majorly popular with all his dudes best friends.

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16y ago

It's in his kiss In my experience, it will be a combination of his words and actions. He will tell you he loves you but he will back that up with more actions. People all around will be able to tell he loves you by what he does. He will always treat you respectfully and with great consideration. He will make you feel like the most beautiful girl in the world. You will know that he only wants to be with you and that he is planning for a future with you. If this is contrary to your experience and you aren't sure if you love the guy who claims to love you, I would hold out for the real thing because NOTHING compares with it.

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13y ago

Well first of all dating is nothing important in a life at least until your 18+. Second, you need to check up if hes looking at you and talking to you but if you get caught looking at him, boys have a 6th sence and it is telling if someone likes him? Boys try to never make it obvious that they like you so it is really hard! Sorry!

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15y ago

He talks about her with his friends 24/7 and when you're with him you will notice. :P and if he's too much in love with you sweet things then regret it for being to forward and then one minute more he'll do the same thing over again x)

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6y ago

I believe if h truly loves you, you will be able to tell, but another way is if he starts acting better around you.

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9y ago

You will know if a guy really loves you. He will treat you the way no one else will. You just need to have a sixth sense.

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How do you know your guy really loves you?

if he would rather spend time with you than his friends, he really loves you and if he has that twinkle in his eye when he tells you he loves you then he means it

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Ask him if he likes you.

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If a guy tells you that he loves you it can mean he loves you as a really good friend and wants to get to know you more, or it can mean he really loves you and wants you to be with him Hope this helped :)

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If you're asking that he probably does. You should ask him though, I don't know you or him personally or at all really.

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>>if he pays alot of attention to you and always loves to spend time with you<<

How do you no if a guy really loves you?

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because when he wakes up he smiles because he know he has you

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means what it says he really loves you and is really into you

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well if the person really loves you he will often tell you sweet things , but if he doesn't really love you i think that the person will treat you more as a friend than a girlfriend or wife?

How do you know if the guy you love loves you back?

the guy tells you