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There is a law that says when a child is 14 years old, the judge "shall consider" the desires of the child in custody cases, but the law does not say the judge shall do what the child wants. There is a world of difference between considering someone's wishes and granting those wishes.There are many reasons why judges do not automatically accept children's wishes about custody. Here are just some of them:

(1) Children can choose to live with the parent who has promised them inappropriate benefits, a new car, or no curfew for example.

(2) Children can choose to live with the parent they feel needs them. That puts the child into a parental role which is harmful. It is the parents' job to take care of the children, not vice versa.

(3) Children can choose to live with the parent they hardly know because they have a "fairytale" expectation about how wonderful that parent will be. That fantasy seldom turns into reality.

(4) Children can choose to live with the parent who has more money. If courts approved such a decision, materialism would become even worse than it already is. The law promotes the goal of putting money where the children are, not putting children where the money is.

In making custody decisions, judges consider the parents' wishes and consider the children's wishes. But every one should know that 14-year-olds do not make custody decision!
Only Indiana and Texas has laws setting out a specific age at which a child can make a choice the court is required to abide by, and even than there are some limitations. With those states, it is age 14. In all other states, the general rule of thumb is that a 12 year old can express and opinion, however the judge is under not legal obligation to consider, or even hear it. In either case, a motion to the court must be filed for a determination to be made. However, the child should be informed that there are alternatives to choosing to live with just one parent. The child should also be advised they can express a choice that they remain in one home and each parent can live with them for a designated period of time, than switch. This is called Bird Nest Custody.

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you have to be a teenager because you are old enough to make your own decisions

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12y ago

When they are 16. They can also move out at that age of they can show they can tale care of themselves responsibly.

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