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a ppd test can be given every month

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Q: How often can a ppd test be administered?
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Related questions

What is a PPD skin test used to diagnose?

The PPD test is a test that is administered by physicians in order to diagnose silent tuberculosis. This can be done in a doctor's office where PPT is injected under the top layer of skin. After 48 to 72 hours you must return to have the doctor check and see if there has been a reaction to the test. This test will assist in finding out if you have ever come in contact with the bacteria that causes tuberculosis.

What is a PPD test?

Other names for a tuberculin skin test. PPD stands for purified protein derivative.

Should you get a ppd shot if you were sick recently with flu?

The PPD is a test for exposure to tuberculosis. There is no reason not to get this test if you were recently stick with the flu.

Is there a wait time for varicella after a PPD test?

There's no wait time for varicella vaccine after a PPD. There's a wait for PPD after varicella vaccine.

What is the ICD-9 code for history of positive PPD test in the past - 795.51?

The PPD test is the test for tuberculosis. The correct code for a positive test in the past is V12.01 for a personal history of tuberculosis.

What do a positive ppd test in the military mean?

Ppd test is a terbuculosis test. They put a needle under your skin and a bubble is there. Within 24 hours if the bubble doesn't disappear, You have T.b. =(

Can Prednisone effect a PPD test?

prednisolone may cause immunosuppression and thus reduce immune reaction of ppd test

What is the name of the test that sHow is exposure to tb?

It is a PPD

How often should you get ppd test?

If you work in a hospital or lab where exposure to TB is possible then get a TB skin test every 6 months to a year, depending on your work setting.

How often should you get a ppd test?

If you work in a hospital or lab where exposure to TB is possible then get a TB skin test every 6 months to a year, depending on your work setting.

What does PPD test stand for?

Standard definitions for ppd are: 1) Postpaid and 2) Prepaid. For convenience, some may use it as shorthand for "pounds per day," or some other non-standard abbreviations.

What is the PPD vaccine?

It is the Purified Protein Derivative tuberculin skin test.