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By law, the President is required to inform Congress within sixty days of making an Executive Agreement.

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Q: How much time does a President have to inform Congress of an Executive Agreement?
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As chief executive the president is constitutionally bound to?

"The president is constitutionally bound to inform Congress prior to any military action." EDIT: Sorry this is completely wrong. That is the president acting as Commander in Chief. What would be more proper is that he is constitutionally bound: "to enforce the acts of Congress, the judgements of federal courts, and treaties signed by the United States."

How long does the president have to inform congress before sending American troops overseas?

He has 48 hours to notify congress.

How can the president inform congress that he is unable to perform the duties of the presidency?

write thema letter

What does the President use to inform Congress about the current status of the country?

whenever he wants to! whenever he wants to!

How did George Washington expand the powers of the president?

George Washington expanded the powers of the president when he ordered military to go and fight Indians in the west with out approval from Congress. He would often make decisions about fighting the Indians and would inform Congress only after the fact.

What date is the state of union message given?

In the United States the US President is obligated to inform the Congress of all important issues regarding the country. The designated date for this is February 12. The exact date is subject to change. The US Constitution however states that the president must inform a joint session of Congress early in the year.

How does the War Powers Resolution of 1973 attempt to check some of the military power of the president?

It says that the president should inform Congress of his intention to send troops abroad within 48 hours.

Can the president activate the Marines without congress?

yes but he must inform congress of his actions withing 48 hours and the troops can only be in the country for 60 days unless for safety they need more time[[pulling out]] unless congress approves that the troops may stay positioned there with a decloration of war

What happens if congress has adjourned but the president wishes to declare war?

Only Congress, according to the Constitution, has the power to declare war. Under the War Powers Act the president can send troops into battle, but then he must inform Congress, within 90 days, of his action and get their approval. Presidents usually use the Commander-in-Chief power (Article II, Section 2) in the Constitution as authority to send troops into a fighting situation.

Is there a date specified in the constitution for the state of union?

No. The Constitution merely requires that the President "from time to time" inform Congress as to the state of the union. It does not have to be a speech, and in fact every President from Thomas Jefferson until Woodrow Wilson submitted the state of the union in a letter to Congress. The speech traditionally takes place annually, but this is not constitutionally required.

What was the 1864 conflict between the US Congress and the Executive branch about?

During the US Civil War, President Lincoln's power seemed unstoppable to many people in the US Congress. The Congressional Committee on the Conduct of the War, harassed the president but nothing more than that. So, in order to try and retain some power in the international arena, the Congress passed a unanimous resolution opposing the recognition of the puppet French regime in Mexico, the Maximilian regime. At the same time, Secretary of State Seward was informing the US minister in France to inform Paris that Congress had no jurisdiction over the matter. The House of Representatives, angered over this passed another resolution. This one basically said that the executive branch had to respect the views of the Congress. This resolution never came to a vote in the Senate. At the time this problem was not resolved. It became resolved when the US sent troops to the Mexican border and the Mexican people retook their government and hanged Maximilian.

Which is a reason why congress uses its power to investigate?

One reason why Congress uses its power to investigate is to provide oversight and hold government officials accountable. By conducting investigations, Congress can uncover potential corruption or abuse of power, ensuring that those responsible are held accountable and restoring public trust. Additionally, investigations allow Congress to gather information to inform legislative decisions and reforms.