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Get an estimate from a local locksmith and use that price as a guide or figure out how long it would take you to do it and charge 35-50 dollars per hour for the labor cost. ---- In many places (maybe most), there is no charge for that. It's not the ex-tenant's idea to change the locks, nor is it their responsibility. Make sure how the law reads in your area.

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Q: How much should a landlord fine a tenant at move-out for changing the locks on 2 doors?
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Can a landlord in Ohio evict a commercial tenant by changing the locks?

In most states this is prohibited in a residential landlord/tenant rule.

In a commercial lease if the tenant changes locks does the tenant give a key to the landlord?

Yes. The building belongs to the landlord and needs the key in case of an emergency, or if a tenant abandons the property. Also, you should probably check with the landlord prior to changing locks. There might be a clause in the lease stating that only the landlord can change a lock, not the tenant.

Is it illegal to change the locks of a rental property without notifying the tenant?

I can only answer for Massachusetts, but I think you can. The landlord has a right of entry, but he should get the permission of tenant, and the tenant has a right to be there at the time. If the landlord needs to get in during an emergency, perhaps he should be calling the police.

Can a tenant sue a sub tenant?

Yes. The tenant should be considered the landlord of the sub-tenant. Therefore, he can evict, just like any landlord.

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The Landlord

The tenant claims dust allergies and wants the landlord to pay for vent cleaning. tenant has been staying in the townhome for 2 months. Who is responsible for vent cleaning - tenant or landlord?

Landlord, but probably only once a year. The landlord should have a tech check the filters.

What is the possessive form of the landlord and the tenant?

The possessive forms are landlord's and tenant's; for example:The tenant's apartment is the best one in the landlord's building.

When should a tenant stop paying rent for delinquent taxes?

The tenant should stop paying rent whenever the governmental agency to whom the taxes are owed threatens to foreclose or repossess the property. In that case, the tenant should demand (in writing) that the landlord pay the delinquent taxes. If the landlord refuses, the tenant should move (again, upon giving written notice to the landlord).

How should a landlord notify a tenant that the apartment will be painted?

A landlord must notify a tenant at least 24 hours in advance of any work that is about to be done on the property. It should be done in writing.

Why does a lease gives both the tenant and the landlord security?

A security deposit is a refundable deposit that a tenant pays to their landlord before they move into a property As long as a tenant abides by the terms of their lease, this deposit should be returned to a tenant when their lease has expired. There are certain situations where a landlord is allowed to keep all or part of a tenant's security deposit.

Who should call the public electric supply when you moved out is it the tenant or the landlord?

It is the person whose name the electric is under, whether that's the tenant, the landlord, or a third-party.

Tenant never switched gas into their own name. The landlord paid the bill for 7 months and then stopped. What are the tenant's rights?

If the lease agreement states that the tenant should switch the account to their name and pay the gas bill then the tenant should pay the landlord back. If there was no written agreement, or understanding, that the tenant pay the gas bill then you could try filing a complaint with the town, housing court, landlord-tenant agency, etc., if the landlord simply stopped providing heat and hot water. If the understanding was that the tenant pay their gas, they never switched the account to their name and the landlord didn't notice for seven months, then the tenant should start paying the gas bill and hope the landlord doesn't sue them for all the prior gas charges.